fiction♝ Oh Sumin

♝Oh Sumin   


birth name. Oh Sumin
weight. 161 cm
height. 43 kg

date of birth. 1994 December 6
age. 19
birthplace. Busan, South Korea
hometown. Busan, South Korea
ethnicity. Korean
languages. English (fluent) Korean (fluent)




she's a unique person. she can be cold sometimes but can change into the complete opposite at other times, she's confident and don't really care about people's thoughts about her or what they say about her. Not bothered by judgemntal stares people give her wheter it was because of the unique way she dresses or because of her cold attitude she don't bother, That's sumin. She don't really like it when peole lie when complimenting someone. but still, she isn't that easy to befriend. she don't really like people who act as if they are made of gold. she don't try to change her personality to fit someone's liking. she prefers acting the same around anyone, acting as herself. she can be cute at times, rarely, the word cute itself doesn't really matches with her, but sometimes, invoulantarely she sounds cute.
    she can be smart at times. really smart especially when some talks rudely about her. She lacks patience and is very short tempered and can start a fight out from really simple things. Then she will keep coming up with smart remarks against the perdon she is talking or fighting with that will eventually make that person in lost of words. she find it rather weird why sometimes people bash someone cause hey don't 'like' him or her, she is indepenent and don't like depending on people as it seems that she feels like she owes them.she is not hurt easily but when she is, she is deeply hurt. she is a hardworker who do her best in what she doing. she always works from heart as she always says that working without liking what you do is wasteful. she doesn't give up easily and fights hard for what is best for her,
Many people who are around her don't really like her or rather say they don't like her attitude. No, she isn't snobby or princess like but she is so honest. Her honesty have made people dislike her?! Not expected but this is what's happening to people these days just because someone don't compliment them they jusy dislike that person. But who said she cares about it, she have been used to that.
From her elementary days she has always been distant from the mainstream she thinks it's too 'normal' for her. It was never her choice after all her personality was like and she didn' seem like forcing herself to mix with other people. 
Up until now she sounds like a rebel and cold person but trust me she isn't. She's only not the type to start a friendship... no not shy... but in other wors she can't open a talk with someone she don't know she needs the other half to start a conversaton and then she'll have no problem to complete it. You may say she is socially awkward around people who are not her friends or people she first met.
Her blood type, ab, may sate the opposite since type ab are usually hyperactive but she IS hyperactive but this side of herself is only shown to people who are acually close to her. She can be pretty random and can smile and laught!!
    she may seem as someone who is cold from the outside and her attitude strongly suports that. but when you try to open to her she is more friendlier. she has trust problems even though some people may be called her friends, she still doesn't fully trusts them. maybe that was the influence of movies on her ?? she believes everything that happens in stories and movies and she belive that watching movies and reading will just make you know more about yourself.
From what I have mentioned you may get that this girl is very samrt. She is smart but not academically smart. I am not saying that she is dump but I would rather saty that she is not that best in studies. Her grades weren't low but she wasn't the top too. That was the reason her parents and her had some fights from time to another since they were looking up for things that were impossible for her like what do you expect if your parents were teachers. They looked up for her being the first and other accomplishments in school that she never paid attention to. Her acadamic level was one reason that made her choose interior designing as a major.


Born in daegu, coming from an average family. she has one young brother. she studied in an average school, where english was taught but not with an expert like way. wanting to be better in it she starts self learning english at home. she became interested in both dancing and rapping at the age of 16. after finishing highschool she moves to seoul  with her younger brother where, she completes univeristy. seoul, being a famous place for rappers and its dancing crews, affects her. she set her dream to become a famous rapper in the future,
           she starts becoming more interested in hiphop and starts attending hiphop concerts as a result, although those stages she went to weren't that big she felt like those stage can bring less-known idols into much famous one. not to long after that she gets offered to perform at those concerts, being a dream to her she quickly accepts.she quickly get adapted into that and even starts coposing her own rap tracks. her experience as an underground rapper have taught her a lot and helped in making half of her dream true. in the beginning of 2012 she got scouted as a trainee after being seen performing in a year-end hiho pconcert.


  • -hiphop
  • chocolate,
  • sweets,
  • m.i.b,
  • travelling,
  • photography,
  • sight seeing,
  • anime,
  • variety shows,
  • blue,
  • Arts
  • snowboarding,
  • cats,
  • dogs,
  • spicy food,
  • frozen yogurt


  • high places,
  • cute clothes,
  • dresses,
  • when some touches her stuff,
  • makeup ( when it is over),
  • mosquitos,
  • red color,
  • attention seekers


  •  she lied to her parents saying she will go to study in seoul, saying she will only study, but she both studied and practiced raing and dancing
  •  she is crazy over m.i.b
  •  her dream is become an artist that can people smile and cry listening to their song.
  •  she owns  cat called jun
  •  She wants to live in London
  •  She is not the best in Maths
  •  Even though she is older than her brother they still fight
  • She is not that good in cooking
  • Her bloog type is AB that explains why sometimes her mood changes quickly 
  • She still keeps in touch with some rappers who worked with her before
  • She got her tatoo without her arents knowing.
  • Her favorite actor is Song Joongki
  • Performed for one year as an underground rapper. 
  • Street dancer beofre becoming a trainee
  • She has 2 piercings in her right ear, 3 in the left. 
  • She has tatoo in her right arm that says "A song will outlive sermons in the memory"
  • She wasnts to be the female Zico in the industry of kpop
  • She is a close friend of Suga from BTS
  • She released oe mixtape before debut


  • playing the guitar,
  • drawing,
  • surfing the internet,
  • collecting caps,
  • reading

face-claim name. Yurim
back up face-claim. :Park Min Ju



stage name. Sumin (yeah, she preferred her name to be the same on and off stage, simple an clear) (Some idols do go by the same name don't they...)

position. Lead Rapper, Sub Vocalist
back-up position. Lead Dancer, Sub Rapper

persona. The Two-tongued Queen (You know when someone starts a fight with you or you start a fight with them and that person always talk back to whatever you say and can bring up smart reassurances.... That's a two-tongued person) (I am not sure if I can further explain that but I hope you got it!)
fanclub colour. 
singing twin. Jieun Secret
dancing twin. Hyoyeon GG
rapping twin. 
Choi Sam (she is an underground rappr)
trainee years. 2 years



love interest name. Cha Sunwoon aka Baro 
group. B1A4
age. 21


personality. He's a typical person not really different from others but has some unique points in him. He's good looking and is often admired by females of all ages which makes him really over confident and flirty at times. His personality can really change quickly infront people he knows and the ones he don't. Around people who are not that familiar with him he may sound cold and very serious but with people he know his true playful attitude explodes. His playful attitude can be bearable at times but sometimes he is more 'annoying' rather than playful.

interactions. They weren't really comfortable at first considering how they met, in a cafe where her friend asked for his signature and he thought that Sumin was a fan too but she honestly replied what was in her heart "I don't like idol" It was his first time hearing it from a girl and that was what made him want to know her more. They met at the same cafe few times after that and became friends. They don't meet as much now since she is preparing for her debut and he is pretty busy with his group but they still try to keep in touch. Their relationship isn't that special if someone was to know about it but the amoun of care they have for eachother is just enough. Yes, sometimes he annoys the hell out of her but she still knows it's out from his playful self. Even if he was the person she always goes to when she has her problem or feel like crying whether she goes over to his place or simply call him telling him about what she is feeling he never gets tired from that because after all he knows that this girl isn't that close to whoever is around her to tell them her real problems. He is the only person that she knows that can cheer her and make her smile whether it was from the jokes he crack or the awful flirty lines he say. Sure he can be the person who annoys her the most in this world and sure she sometimes tire him from her complains about how people treat her or how she feels like crying because of the way some other traiees bully her she is still his bestfriend that he will always listen to.
relationship. Close friends
back up love interest. Kim Myungsoo aka L
group. Infnite



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