My Opinion on Simon and Martina (EYK)

Hey guys, so I recently put up that I didn’t want my fictions to be sent to EYK and that still stands, but there’s also something I need to say.

Simon and Martina are not the cause of people taking down their fictions, the author’s themselves are the cause because they don’t have enough confidence in other’s. Simon and Martina stated the following:

So even if after knowing that, authors continue to take down their fictions, well, that’s their problem. Maybe they need to work through some trust issues. They are making a big deal out of this whole thing. S&M reading fictions and what not are NOT going to ruin or tear apart any fandom and if you think it will, well, you need to get your priorities straight. I have confidence in both my subscribers and in S&M that they won’t use my fictions as they have stated they won’t without permission.

Next I would like to say I in no way hate S&M, quite the opposite actually, I love them. They are hilarious, adorable, educational and hardworking people. Over the years that I have watched them I can honestly say I have grown more and more fond of the couple. And I don’t understand the hate that they are receiving and unless you can give me some kind of excuse as to why you dislike them so much then I don’t have the time to listen to your hate toward them; you do you and I’ll do me. I guess it’s sort of like anti-fans in the K-pop scene. But there is one thing I can understand, people sometimes dislike what they say and I’m not going to lie, I do sometimes as well.

Like you know how everyone was freaking the Hell out over them calling B.A.P ? Well it was a joke, to some it’s not that bad, to me I was indifferent heck I think I even snorted when Martina said it (I'm a huge B.A.P fan), and some were and are pissed, but I understand where everyone is coming from. S&M didn’t need to say that to be funny, plus the video was supposed to be sad, B.A.P were supposed to cry. But as I said S&M were joking.

Let me put it this way; you don’t have to like everything somebody says. This includes your family members, idols you look up to and even a youtuber. That’s why there is something called an opinion, people are free to make and think them as they like.

An example would be me not liking some of the Super Junior says but hey, I still continue to be biased toward them, love them as a band and have learned to look past things like that. People often look past all the good someone has said and done and condemn them for what bad they have said and done instead.

I had said in my previous posting about the tweet to send in fanfic’s that I did not want them to make fun of my work and my reasoning for saying this is not to make them out to be horrible people that sit around all day and hurt others. My reasoning is because Simon and Martina tend to be comedians; making up skits and what not. And the only way I could see fanfiction put in their videos is if they were to read some of it and then make a skit based off of it. I’m just not into people doing that with my work. But as also stated in the previous blog; I have no idea what they’ll do with the fanfics, it’s just a guess, I could be completely wrong. Heck sometimes people do things and they don’t even realize they could be hurting another person because they don’t mean to. Plus I don’t want my fiction leaving AFF. I kind of wish they would have given more info on what they were going to do, because then maybe this whole thing wouldn’t have blown up so bad.

I don’t know if S&M will ever read this and I doubt they will, but I just wanted to make my point of view clear. They are good people in my eyes and that’s exactly what they are; people, human and they are going to say something we don’t like once in a while and they’ll do something we don’t like once in a while but that doesn’t mean they are bad people. So you can continue to hate them as you please, people love to hate, but I will continue to be a nasty.

- xXDeath_BlogXx | xXDeath_BellXx



*Photo's and Gifs not mine.



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nekochii00 #1
I'm starting to like u..... u know how I feel about S&M and well, u kinda proved urself to be a pretty nice person. And I know what u feel when they joke around with ur bap oppas (lol) cuz im a shawol and they just discard shinee from time to time but like u said not everyone has the same taste ^-^ btw, ur fanfics are amazing, hwating.... ^-^ (also, I know I might sound rude on some of my comments but I really dont mean it, im a very cold person so even when im being nice it comes out as rude and inconsiderate, for that I appologize ♥)
haleeann #2
I couldn't have said any of this better myself! You took the words right out of my mouth. I love them so much, they're like the ideal couple in my eyes <3 I'm a huge nasty
I love what you said, I absolutely agree with you!! And I am too a nasty, I love Simon and Martina!!
Thank you for stating out your opinion. I totally agree with you, Idk I can understand why fanfic writers arent happy, but you cant put all the blame on S&M, especially about people taking down their fanfics. I mean they have already stated that there would only use the fanfic under the permission of the author. I think they are really down-to-earth people and sometimes their humor and criticism can be harsh and mean but they are entitled to their own opinion.
Well they might read it but you could always expressed your opinion on the video which they would use fanfics on or something. Just to show your own thoughts on the whole thing.
flurries #5
Some people just don't understand them because of the difference in the culture and stuff but I think you're right. Simon and MArtina are not at fault. :( I hope they get to read this.
I'm glad that you and a few others are making these clear statements that this whole Fanfic situation isn't Simon & Martina's fault (which never was because everyone just overreacted in my opinion). As for the hate on them and the rest of EYK I found quite stupid!!! I understood that some people found the B.A.P thing insulting. However, I kind of didn't find that insulting because I understood what Martina was explaining when she said what she said; and I'm a fan of B.A.P as well as other KPOP groups. Also, someone complained that Simon and Martina have recently "changed", which in fact they didn't change....they came back from Canada and that was it. Any way, I'm also a fellow Nasty saying my thoughts and agreement with you.