How to tell if a girl likes you!

Girls like boys are complicated and I have seen many different ways of affection. So I have decided to break it down for the guys!! After all there is to much they don't understand and need a push in the right direction. Now I ain't gonna lie this is gonna be complicated for guys raised in a guy oriented house but simple for guys in a girl oriented house. 

  • The Sneaky Flirt: this girl is typically simple unsure how to how to approach and scared to be to .. heavy in flirting with you. So she tends to 1: hangs around your friends but gives you most attention 2: ask how you felt about other girl hang with 3: gets mad if you get a girl and ignore her for the other. She is sadly two sneaky and gets friend zoned.
  • The Obvious Flirt: 1: randomly finds reasons to touch you 2: giggles at all your jokes 3: compliments you randomly 4: gets playfully mad at times. This girl some times gets friend zoned as well.
  • The Shy Girl: I'm this kind of flirt so Im best at this one. 1: stares at you a lot 2: helps you when asked with a smile 3: talks seeming tongue tied at times. 4: nervous and only approaches when thinks your nice. The shy girl will NOT confess first.
  • The Guy Way: This poor girl has no idea how to act or keep your attention so she does the following 1: insults you bit still helps if you really need it 2: when caught staring glares 3: playfully mad. Now most guys think of it as hate and nost of the time it is unless you can see the hesitation.
  • When asked to do this I thought it would be easy but tbh I never pay attention to my own gender which is kinda sad. I'm more tomboy and tend to hang with girls that are like that only few girly slip by. But few basic rules are Staring, Special Treatment, Playful Teasing, Sudden change, And talks to you more. I notice these a lot. Now my fellow girls help me in the bottom. And I'm sorry to the one who rwquested it. I hppe it helps alittle dear~


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AkashiSeijuro #1
I'm definitely "The Guy Way"!