Tagged by sushi-mushi


*don't hate me*



Rule 1: Post the rules 
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to this post
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them



1) How did you get into Kpop?

Okay so I have this really fantastic (baby *dance* oh woah ohhh hurhurhur ok sorry) friend who had already been into kpop for like two years and was like hey this is a thing be a part of the thing so I did and it was like the biggest revelation of my life and everything after is history. 

2) If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?


3) Do you have any pets?

I doooo! I have three cats named Clifford (after Clifford the Big Red Dog), Beauty (Yes, after Sleeping Beauty I was like five okay), and Bones (we found him in a graveyard). 

4) What is your dream job?

So there's this thing called Doctors Without Borders where you basically go to medical school and all that, which I'm doing anyways, and get your liscense to be a doctor so you can travel all around the world to these third world countries to help the people who need it. It's all volunteer but they pay for your transportation and housing and all that so that's basically my dream!

5) Which matters more to you?  Money, health or family?

Probably health, because through taking care of my health (exercising, meal planning, ect.) I bond with my family because they usually do all of those shennanigans with me:B

6) Favorite childhood memory? 

Freaking. Disney World. Ugh. WHY CAN'T I LIVE THERE.

7) Favorite desert? Be specific ^^

Oooo yum food~ mine is probs those lemon cookies from Magiano's (don't know if everybody has had Magiano's, but it's godly) with the white chocolate chips in them omgggg they're so freaking good

8) Favorite book? Both childhood and now 

This is a tough one:S In my childhood it was probably the Book Theif because I read that in fourth grade and it was the first book I'd read that didn't have a happy ending which really made an impact on my innocent little brain, but it was refreshing. Right now I can't just narrow it down to one book so I'm just gonna say the entire Heroes of Olympus series because I loved the Percy Jackson series so much I was basically crying when I heard there was more and they did not let me down!

9) How many languages do you know?

Right now I'm only fluent in three (English, Romanian, and Spanish) and then I'm still learning Korean, Japanese, and French so wooo

10) Describe your ideal outfit

A shirt with some sort of food picture on it, british flag jean shorts, those cute flats with the lace and brown heels and toes that have little laces that don't go up to your ankle, my signature fork earrings, and a bow or something in my hurr. 

11) Three words to describe yourself with






1.) Favortie Disney movie? (if you don't have one I will find you)

2.) If your entire life were to be narrated, who would you have it narrated by?

3.) If you had the option to create a new holiday, when would it be and what would it be celebrating?

4.) What's your favorite type of chair? (i.e. fluffly beanbag, sophisticated leather, ect.)

5.) Favorite sound?

6.) If you had the tardis for a day, what would you do with it? (if you live under a rock, the tardis is a time machine on *cough on of the greatest shows in the world cough* Doctor Who)

7.) Favorite TV show? 

8.) Are you more of a large group person or a two or three friends kind of person?

9.) Have you ever been to any concerts? If you have, which ones?

10.) What is your name, address, and social security number? *just kidding don't arrest me~ Favorite time period?

11.) Would you rather go to Camp Half-Blood or Hogwarts?


















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allsmiles #1
1. Mulan
2. I don't know never thought of it
3.EXO day, August 28, a day where exo gets to relax and do what ever they want.
4. A big beanbag
5. A violin
6. Iceland, love Doctor Who btw! :)
7. Doctor Who
8. It depends on mood but most of the time I'm a two or three friends kind of person.
9. No
10. The sunset
11. That's a tough one, but I'd have to say Hogwarts.