A thing about the shop

Please, when you are done with your poster/review, notify the people, who requested, in the comments of their stories. so that I don't go around and check if I should notify or not. Also, watch out for the comments in the shop: if you see your name as a preffered artist, don't ask me and just take your request. I might ask you just in case, if you have seen the comment, though. The shop is in our hands, not mine. Hippie much? xD

For the reviewers: It is important to know that reviews shouldn't be kept for more than three days. If something's up, please notify me, or eachother, for someone to take the story. I'm not asking for an instant review, but just keep people form being on hold. I know that we aren't first come, first serve, but still. 

Thanks guys! ^^ 



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