I'm just bored.


1. Open your library (iTunes, Media Player, iPod, etc.)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...

Opening Credits :
The Back of Your Hand Brushes Against Mine - Teen Top (so, uh, drama?)

Waking Up :
Can U Smile - Infinite (well, that's jolly :))

First Day of School :
Summer Dream - TVXQ (somehow, it connects)

Falling in Love :
Can't Nobody - 2ne1 (nope...)

Fight Song :
I'm Your Man - Super Junior (oh dear)

Prom :
Fixed Star - Infinite (wow, that would be romantic to dance to)

Life :
Snow Dream - SMTown (wat)

Mental Breakdown :
A-Yo - SHINee (haha...)

Driving :
Miracle - Super Junior (hmm)

Flashback :
Tinkerbell - SNSD (so, the flashback is a bit of fluffy)

Getting Back Together :
Rainy Night - Junsu (I don't know if it's romantic or not)

Losing Your ity :
Dancing Out - Super Junior (literally LOL-ing right now)

Wedding :
Your Eyes - Super Junior (it would be good if it's instrumental then)

Birth of Child :

Final Battle :
Mirror - Super Junior

Death Scene :
Are You Blank? - Miss A

Funeral Song:
It Girl - A Pink (everyone is partying...I'm gonna laugh in my casket at the intro "I wanna be that girl...")

End Credits :
Eve Warning - BoA ft. Shindong (what is life)


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Haha your choices of song wad funny!!
But seriously i dont get it how?