Halbae? Pink Halbae? OK STOP.

I recently just went on whyweloveb1a4.tumblr.com and THIS is what I see:

I went on the cafe after reading about it and someone said that BANAs are allowed to use halbae again. I then went on Nate Pann to see that a Hottest said A+ are in no position to say that BANAs can or cannot use the nickname because it was Jay’s nickname first, back when Wild Bunny aired. He used to be nicknamed “pink halbae.” A+ immediately apologized and it was said that BANAs can use halbae again. So quit with the hate messages toward Haeji, who was just delivering the message. Okay? Cool? Are we good? (:

whut is this. just whut is this.

Gaiz... Just chill... /sigh


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what is halbae? o.o haha sorry i dont understand a single thing lol