Fanfic Ideas

I'm curious, where do u guys get all your ideas for fanfics? Or for any of your chapters? For me, I don't know why, but I sometimes get them from my DREAMS. Have any of u guys eva came up with ideas from your dreams?

I also get my ideas from doing other things as well. For example, eating breakfast

I know weird right? So I was eating breakfast one day and thought of a future scene in my story "Coffee & Kookies" where Jungkook was the only person left in the cafe with me because I stayed to clean up and close up the cafe. So music is playing and he's like "Finally!" and he asks me to slow dance with him and we end up dancing alone in the cafe. Super sweet right?!?! And to think, that idea came from actual coffee and cookies! Yes I was having coffee and cookies for breakfast when I got this idea. It just came to me.

Another time was in the car. It was simple actually. I listened to a song, a love song actually, and I thought of another scene.

So anyways..... I'm curious as to where and what you get your fanfic ideas from. U could tell me in the comments section because I'd be happy to know! :) :) :)


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LOL I sometimes get my ideas from my dreams too! But I mainly come up with ideas when I'm at school or when I'm going home on the bus. Since my school isn't like a normal high school, I have more freedom when I'm in class. The teachers doesn't really teach everyday like normal schools, the students basically have to learn the material themselves and the teachers are there if we have questions. So there are days where I just come to school to listen to music on my phone and talk to my friends, the teachers don't even care though LOL. But yeah, when I'm bored in class I sit there and think of what I should write about.
Oh I also listen to music to get ideas like you! I do that on the bus and stare out the window LMAO im so lonely ...