About the recent SOPA petition, other petitions, and info on it all

YO! Long story short: I troll the blog posts. I've been seeing the whole "stop SOPA 2014" craze going on. Got curious, because SOPA was indefinitely postponed back in 2012, so what was with the petition? Found it stranger because it mentioned fan creations, which would certainly be affected by it, but that's all it mentioned. You'd think there'd be more meat to this hell sandwich. This "new SOPA" was targeting something very specific, but it's almost too specific, you get me? Where are the other parts of the sandwich?

So I Googled. Google is one of my dearest friends. And I found some things.

[Initial Finding; granted, it's Yahoo Answers, but still, it lead to some external sources to help better my search]
[Source 1; the petition that NEEDS attention ASAP]
[Source 2; just wtf is all this, you ask? HERE'S ONE ANSWER...]
[Source 3; AND HERE'S ANOTHER! But with more cream filling in this whatisgoingon-donut]

Three proposals you need to know about: Voluntary Agreements, The Trans-Pacific Partnership, Notice and Staydown.

All have elements that were in SOPA/PIPA, but this is not SOPA or PIPA.

The petition wasn't far off, though it grossly condensed things and created a misunderstood panic in my opinion, but it's the tip of the iceberg, folks. Pay very close attention to the deviantArt post and the sources she posted there at the bottom; it summarizes things well while going into detail on certain (important) aspects of the three proposals, and gives advice on how to go about expressing your concern about these things.


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