I need everyone's help!

Caleb (my stalker) keeps flirting with me on Facebook. He asked me out like three times even though he knows my answer. He won't leave me alone! I told him many times that I don't want a boyfriend right now and yet he keeps asking me! I do appreciate him saying that I'm cute but hes starting to make me uncomfortable! Should I just tell him that I'm not  interested in him or tell him that I have a boyfriend when I really dont? I just want him to stop! Please help me!


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Tell him you really aren't interested, not even to stay friends as this might give him hopes and encourage him to continue. Honestly the best solution would be to block him on facebook so he can't bother you.
You must block him out or it'll get even worse because clearly he's obsessed with you. And saying you got a boyfriend ain't a very bright idea since you already told him you don't want one right now.

Does this make sense?
It's time to stop being nice to him, get it through that you aren't interested, even if it means being rude or mean to him. This is getting out of hand
Get someone your friends with to tell him off, I mean honestly. Either be more assertive and tell him to off and get a life, and tell him to go and date someone who's actually interested or get someone else to, in my opinion being rude and assertive is the best way ^_^
Tell someone older to seek advise!
If he hasn't taken the hint by now, he's not going to and you need to go a step further by taking this to the cops. What he is doing is harassment and it needs to end now. No more being nice.
id get a restraining order on him because youve had me talk to him before and he said he understood but clearly he doesnt and is becoming creepy.
kpopluvr27 #8
Hmmmm maybe you should try the "I'm not interested" route first; see how he takes it...
kpopluvr27 #9
Hmmmm maybe you should try the "I'm not interested" route first; see how he takes it...
unnie..... you know i have a tongue at the mouth let me talk to him
I'll help you unnie. I'll talk to the idiot boy whom can't take no for answer.