My story. (Activity check)

I couldn’t believe it.


I still can’t believe it.


After growing up with such a harsh childhood, I  just can’t believe that this is how my life is now.


I look in the mirror and make sure to fix any imperfections of my appearance, tightening and tugging on both sides of my bowtie, patting my hair down, and wiping at my suit to make sure there are no wrinkles.


I could feel my breath hitching as i looked down at the bottom of the mirror and saw, in the reflection, a picture of me and him. I shake my head quickly, feeling heat rush to my cheeks as i focus back on myself, breathing through my mouth to try to calm my breathing.


“Come on, Minwoo. Relax.”  I said to myself, taking in a deep breath before letting it out slowly.


I heard the door open behind me and i turned around, smiling sincerely as Junhong walked towards me. I couldn’t help but bring my son into my arms, sighing happily as we hugged. It wasn’t too long before I pulled back and gripped onto his shoulders so I could look at him.


“You’re so handsome, Junnie!” I said quietly, laughing quietly. “I’m finally getting used to your new hair color, so don’t you dare change it anytime soon!” I threatened playfully before walking over to the window.


Junhong was saying something, but I wasn’t paying any attention. The butterflies in my stomach intensified as Junhong told me it was time.


Closing my eyes, I let my head fall back as I relaxed.


I let the memories flow through my head, smiling to myself at the happy ones.


How I felt meeting Key.


Meeting Jiyong.


Meeting Yunho.


Meeting Junhong, Changmin, Luhan, Chanyeol, Yesung, Yoongi




Joining the club


I felt myself frown as I thought about the sad moments.


Leaving home, my mother, everything i had known when i was young.


Finding out secrets of certain members.


Sharing our most personal, dark secrets to eachother.


Being unfaithful and disloyal to my loved ones.


Letting out a laugh, i thought of the happy moments i had.


Going to the beach with Key.


Going out with friends, family.


Reuniting with my mother, all thanks to you.


Going to the fair with Jiyong.


I choked a little when i thought of the perfect moments.


Moving in together.


Telling eachother we loved eachother.


I opened my eyes and looked out the window, smiling as Junhong kept saying that it was time to go.


I nodded and let him pull me.


We walked down the stairs, and it was so…. So quiet.


Almost scary quiet.


I walked to the doors, and stood up straight with my head up.


The doors opened and the music began as I started walking.


I felt myself smile as i felt tears fill my eyes, but i refused to cry.


I thought my life was already perfect.


I could have never been more wrong.


You…. You had to propose, didn’t you?


I stopped at the end of the isle, lowering my head as i walked up the steps and walked in front of you, under the alter and faced you.


I wasn’t going to cry.




I wasn’t going to cry.


I looked up into your eyes,


And the tears dripped down my cheeks.


We both leaned in, and before i knew it, we already slipped on the rings and were kissing.


Everyone was clapping, someone whistled, and I swear that at that moment


Everything was perfect.


And everything was going to be alright.


I look up into your big, beautiful brown eyes, and i smile as i whisper softly.


“I love you, Jang Wooyoung.”


“And I love you, Jang Minwoo.”


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