Resuming Brotherly Love and The Branches of Miracles.

Dear readers (calling you guys subscribers reminds me of YouTube, haha),

I know you all are wondering why I haven't been posting anything lately. I have been at a hiatus for a while, mainly because of school and personal reasons. I noticed a few new readers who are anticipating the next chapters of both my fanfics. I only have 30 in total, and that is a lot of readers to me. Thank you for sticking by and interally screaming at me on when will I upload the next chapters. Luckily, I'm almost done writing up two, new chapters of Brotherly Love. As for the Branches of Miracles, I'm starting to write up ideas for it. I'm trying to decide when I'll be able to upload it, depending on how busy I am this weekend. Probably before Sunday night. I have to get back to work with the chapters right now.

To my readers, please bring love to my stories I share to you. I will do my best to keep you guys updated as soon as possible. Thank you again!




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