kik acc!
ok so some of you might know but I really hate sns sites and I don't use them ever, aff is probably the only site I use regularly in terms of sns wow don't I sound old. so I use pm to talk to people but it gets really tedious and I have been bullied into getting a kik acc *cough* you three know who you are *cough* so if anybody would like to add me you are welcome to (just no creepy carls or weirdo wandas please) and I couldn't get the damn thing to work on my phone so it's on my ancient ipod touch which I ressurected for this one app specifically, jesus christ. yeah so, if you'd like to add me on there my ID is the same as my username on here.
id : hwansang


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slaps an innocent face on
bc youre a willing victim granny pLS O U O
shall i stalk you in kik?
/wigGLES eyebROWS/
that was not bullying ; u ;
but ive kicked you /wiggles eyebrows/