♚ CRU$H ─ Lee Chaewon ↷ Lead Rapper & Sub-vocalist.

LEE chaewon
urigawinner // soyoon // 75
NICKNAME: Chael (by her groupmates), Charisma Lee (by TOP), Giant Baby (by Mino), Chayi (by Mino and his groupmates), Little Baddest Female (by G-DRAGON & CL).
DATE OF BIRTH: May 27, 1994
AGE: 19
PLACE OF BIRTH: Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN: Seoul, South Korea
LANGUAGE: Korean, French, English and Japanese (All fluent).
» THE Showtime
STAGE PERSONA: Charismatic Baddass
POSITION: Lead Rapper & Sub-vocalist
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

Dorky, she has always been very dorky and noisy whenever she is around the people she feels comfortable with. She will make noises in the dorm or studio to fade her boredom, and she will talk a lot when she feels like talking, and she barely can stop. Being dorky has its adventages when her close friends are feeling down in which she can boost the mood with her bright and dorky side, but she rarely shows it in public unless she is in the studio or dorm. Her dorky side also receives complain from her groupmates sometimes because she can be very annoying when she make the noises. However, you won't regret having her around you, because she is probably the friendliest person who will listen to you and what do you want to share with her. She is also well-known for being humble, that's why she has a lot of friends.

Mother-like kid, those people around her who knows her well would call her that. Despite being one of the younger members, she never behave like one because she is somehow matured. This is probably because she lived alone once without her family members. In the dorm or practicing studio, she will clean and pack everything to its neat form since she hates seeing messy and dirty places. She would even cook, in which her groupmates loves her cooking more than just a lot, and praises her for her cooking skills. However, she is one of the members who wakes up late, she is never a morning person. It takes 15 minutes for her groupmates to get her awake, and they have to make noises and annoy her to wake her up. In the end, she will scold them all for distracting her. This is why some of her groupmates calls her Sleeping Beauty as well.

Honest, it's what she calls her bluntness as. She can be very blunt yet sarcastic when something or someone sets her off. Believe me or not, her words would probably annoy you to your limits, but replying her sarcasm with sarcasm would never finish the problem. She will keep judging you until you lose, or run our of words, or even apologize to her. No one dares to set her off, because no one wants those bad things and problem to happen. Blame no one, but her temper. Quiet is also one of her bad traits. She can be as quiet as she wants to. When she is on this state, don't even dare to put jokes into your conversations. This will lead to her honest opinions again then. But she rarely shows this unless she feels annoyed of someone, something, any topics.

Onstage, she would be giving off a charismatic and different aura which is totally the opposite of her usual self. This is what most of people comment her baddass, just like her sister when she is onstage. Not badass as in bad trait, but it's either a style and her concept on the stage or screen. But on reality or variety shows, she would only be giving her dorky side to interact with other participants.

» Background

Rachel comes from a prestigious family of academics where her grandfather is a physicist, her uncle is an economist and her father is a physics professorm author and illustrator. Due to her father's occupation, Rachel and her sister spent most of their childhood living in France and Japan for a few years stay. When she was ten, she moved in with a home-stay family in Paris, France where she attended a private international school with her sister and made friends with a lot of people. However, after staying in France for 3 years, she went to Hollywood, USA to study and to learn how to speak fluent English.

In California, she lived in a penthouse with her aunt who was living in USA at the moment. She became popular in her school for her talents she shows on school events which are unique and different from any other students, and this had made her aunt proud to have her as a niece as well. When there was an open YG Audition, her friends and aunts told her to audition. Knowing that her sister was in the label agency as well, she eventually tried auditioning as a rapper and singer and was accepted as a trainee mostly for her rapping skill. Through the years, she got trained and worked herself very hard in order to be prepared for their debut later. And although she couldn't see her sister for a few months due to 2NE1 being busy, she could at least see her again when 2NE1 and BIGBANG came to guide and mentor her and the six other trainees. Therefore, she learned a lot from her sister and seniors on how to have a good start on debuting.

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • Music
  • Her phone
  • Winter
  • Movies
  • Dogs and cats
  • Babies and kids
  • Foods
  • Fashion
  • Persona 4 and One Piece (Anime)
  • Snapbacks
» Dislikes
  • Vegetables
  • Solving math
  • Being ignored
  • Hot weather
  • Dirty places
  • Anti-fan
  • Barbie dolls
  • Bashers
» Fears
  • Cockroaches
  • Creepy clowns
  • Thunders
  • Dark
  • Rejections
  • Getting injured
  • Nightmares
  • Failures
  • Creepy dolls
  • Balloons
» Hobbies
  • Singing and rapping
  • Listening to music
  • Playing guitar
  • Creeping on the camera inside the dorm and practice studio
  • Cooking
  • Watching her idols on variety or reality shows
  • Song-writing
  • Spazzing over biases
  • Visiting other artists in YG building during their free times
  • Sleeping when she has nothing to do
» Habits
  • Biting her lower lips
  • Hungry at nights
  • Biting her nails
  • Scratching herfingers when nervous
  • Being noisy sometimes
  • Rubbing her nose or chin while listening to someone
  • Clapping her hands while laughing
» Trivia
  • Is a younger sister of Lee Chaerin / CL of 2NE1
  • Has a white toy puddle named Pepper and a brown toy
    puddle named Choco
  • Her sister, Lee Hyori and Ariana Grande are her rolemodels
  • Often sharing with her seniors G-DRAGON and TOP
    during their visit to watch the group's development
    because they are just like her older brother figure
  • She has appeared in the following MVs:
    - GTOP's Baby Good Night ( as model )
    - G-DRAGON's That XX ( as model )
    - CL's Baddest Female ( as one of back dancers)
  • She has appeared on several CFs as well
  • Her instagram is xrachelx
  • Her ideal type is someone who is taller than her, cares
    about her, can rap and has a good-looking face
  • Her ideal date is being with someone in a place with beach
    views or bright romantic lights
  • She also can act, write songs, dance
  • Her trademarks are her eyes and lower lips
  • If she isn't an idol, she wants to be a fashion designer and
    open up a boutique
  • After being asked a lot, she finally admits that her ideal
    type is someone like BIGBANG's G-DRAGON or T.O.P
  • She also admits targeting Kim Woobin as her ideal type
    because of his height and attractive face features
  • She cries whenever she watch The Heirs, Titanic, and
    Passion of the Christ no matter how many times she has
    watch them
  • She was given the nickname of Little Baddest Female
    because she is the younger sister of CL and she looks like
    her sister a lot onstage
  • Close friends with WINNER's members, Team B's Bobby,
    B.I and Junhoe (mostly), BAP's Yongguk & Zelo,
    GOT7's Jackson, 2NE1's members and BIGBANG's
  • She wishes to star a drama with Kim Woobin
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
» Backup Faceclaim
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
RELATIONSHIP PERSONA: Romeo-And-Juliet Wannabe
LOVE INTEREST: Song Minho / Mino
» about him?

Mino is known as an experienced trainee because he used to be a trainee of another talent agency and was an underground rapper with several old friends. Now that he is an idol, he thinks his life goes faster than he thought. From being an underground rapper, to average trainee and then to a workaholic trainee where you had to put your efforts into it are never an easy struggle, especially if you are entering YG. At least, his efforts worth it now.

Digging deeper into his personality, he is a friendly and cool when you first know him, he will greet you with a smile and shake your hands. But when you get to know him better, trust me, he will be quite dorky, humble and humorous in which he would lighten up your mood whenever you're with him. Despite this, he can be serious and thougthful on the right time. He can just stay silent, listen, and then think. When you see him quiet, then that's when you shouldn't really disturb him unless he starts to talk a lot again. He will curse when he is very worried, and I swear he'll be dead scary when this occur, just as scary as when he gets mad. He can get jealous as well, when he sees someone he has laid his eyes onto is flirting with someone else, he would rather distract them under a reason of joining them in the conversation.


Rachel and Mino are close friends who treat eachother like protective siblings, but he is even more protective than her sister. When she doesn't want to eat, he would nag over her to start eating and take a rest before she gets sick. Despite getting nagged too much, she enjoys having him around her because of their almost similar traits which makes them open to eachother during the trainee years. Mino loves teasing her, but she finds it annoying to have him teasing her. Slowly as time flows, she finds herself feeling safe and comfortable with him, around him. He feels the same way, he won't show it directly just yet, but whenever he sees her being close to another male than him and her manager, he would comes up to her and wraps his arm around her, behaving like he's a boyfriend. And Rachel, she only can play along.

These two met for the first time when both were still trainees where he came passing by her studio and accidentally heard her rapping. When he came in, he saw no one other than a female sitting on the chair with the headphone on her ears. He eventually joined her and awkwardly introduce himself before she introduced herself in return. Both spent the moment to talk and sometimes did rap together until her groupmates came in. Mino visited her often whenever he was free since then, watching her practicing, helping her and then talked to her when she was done.

Both often had playful fights over little things as well, which started with his nags over her health and conditions. Sometimes she pushes him aside when he distract her while dancing in order to get her attention, and ends up dancing together sometimes. With his particular and special concerns, their relationship got closer over time with a wish that they could be more than just friends someday.

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: why mino looks a lot like one of my bias; taeyang on the pictures above?! god, y.
PASSWORD: help omfg
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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Im going to be applying to Crush too! Hope to be memebers with you !!^^