back from HI A TUS

so. i don't want this to be prettier because of the new editor. it's pretty hard because i was used in the old one.
first, is that i'm back from hiatus. well, it's actually because of getting my grade higher because i dropped 4 places. yeah. the results was pretty good. except really for history. cries. my grade was like this:
A+ : II (98, 97)
A   : IIII (96, 93, 94, 96)
A-  : II (92, 92)
B   : I (HISTORY, 84)
i had a lot of A's. so it was like that. well, i'm satisfied except for history. really. my course will be economics. well, i'm not actually going to university. it's just that i planned it already. so yeah. that's the only reason why i'm on hiatus. i also changed my username ! i kinda liked the name sojin and added a 'x' and has a word 'jinx'. it's also my username in tumblr and weheartit !
two, i will finish my story. or maybe soon build up another story, if i have future plans. so, to this who is anticipating for 'marry him if you dare'. i will finish the first chapter! because i really want to satisfy the subscribers :/
three, SPAZZ. yes, spazz. another word for fangirling or means losing emotional control in the dictionary. well, my biases are really exploding my ovaries. jkk. the comebacks are SNSD, BAP (sorry for the late telling you all that i spazz for it), BTOB, BTS, ALPHABAT, WOOKEY, TOPPDOGG (actually both my biases AHHHHH). and i want to be part also of the cclown and winner fandom soon ! well. i'll try.
me and my friends (who are kpoppers) are trying to make a cover but we are the only one who could hear it XD we are covering SNSD's mini album 'MR MR'. we were three so we divided it first to our biases then the rest of the members by rock, paper, scissors XD i got jessica, sooyoung and yoona. actually that was our second choice. because at first, when we played about last last week, i got taeyeon, jessica, and hyoyeon. so i thought it might have been greedy since i got the main vocalists and the main rapper. then i practiced for two weeks having many lines and all the high notes. cries. but i will miss singing taeyeon and hyoyeon. then i got really less parts, sooyoung and yoona. but it's okay (: well, I'm actually kinda lazy now to write all my fangirls notes. yeah. that's all (:


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