Hospital and School

I'm sorry that I haven't posted in like... FOREVER, especially, for "Sweet & Sour" - I don't know why I haven't posted any new chapters for that fanfic in a while, but I've been really busy. Not just busy with school and homework, but lots of things have been going on.

If any of you guys have read my fanfic "Loosen Up", there's a part where Hyukjae faints due to being overworked at his dad's company and he passes out at school (SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T READ IT... SORRY) But yeah, there was that scene, and I never expected it to actually happen to me in real life. xD

I'm serious, I PASSED OUT AT SCHOOL. However, due to another reason. I was experiencing a TON of pain in my lower abdomen and this was after lunch. At about 10:50am - 11:30am. The day was 3/7/14, so a few days ago. I thought they were just cramps because I was running outside and sprinting with my friends after I was  done eating, and I also assumed I was out of shape because of my throbbing head, aching body, and fast beating heart. Right as I got to class, I headed straight to the bathroom to check if I needed to go because my stomach was hurting and I also used the privacy to calm my breathing down. I headed back to my desk, ignoring everything, but something wasn't right.

After a few minutes, I got up again, heading towards the bathroom. I once again checked if I need to go, but as I sat at the toilet, I got the same results. Nothing came out, and as hard as I pushed, there was nothing - mind you, as I pushed, it hurt even more because of the pressure. Suddenly, my vision blurred and my body was becoming very weak. I knew I couldn't pass out in the bathroom, so I used all my strength and will power to get the teacher. I struggled to pull my pants up and zip the zipprer, but I managed somehow and stumbled out the bathroom and called for help. My teacher caught me before I collapsed and I passed out due to the intense pain. I was told I was as white as a paper and all the color in my face was gone. 911 was called and the fire department got to me first. They checking my blood pressure - which was really low - and my pulse. Soon, the ambulance came and took me to the emergency room.

I was stable, but in a lot of pain. The doctors/ nurses did tests on me and found that I had an ovarian cyst that had ruptured in my right ovary. A common finding, but very painful. I'm really young, guys. 13, almost 14. I was in Algebra when this happened. I scared everyone in my class. It just happen so suddenly, literally a few minutes ago before lunch ended, I was totally fine. Days prior to that, nothing abnormal, I was fine. xD

I guess why I'm writing this is to tell you guys that I'm pretty busy with life in general and why. I wish I had a lot more freetime like how Hyukjae wished for more freetime in that chapter too x3. I go to an academy, an advance school. So the work load is pretty heavy and on top of school, I'm recovering from what had just happened not too long ago. I've still been going to school and I'm on pain medication, which makes me very sleepy and unable to concentrate. However, it seems things are getting better, health-wise. But I just find it very ironic how I wrote a chapter about Hyukjae passing out at school and I ended up doing the same thing O.O

Who knows, I might use that experience and write a short (probably one-shot) fanfic out of it. I'll most likely will be using a kpop idol in my place and if it were a male, probably writing it a bit differently, because ovarian cysts can only happen to girls because girls have periods and they can bear children. ANYWAYS, that was a very interesting experience, and painful. But I'm alright now. I'll resume writing fanfics in no time. ^.^



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I'm glad you're okay! Don't push yourself and rest easy from now on and as long as you can(:
Julymoe #2
I'm glad you are fine now
You should take care of yourself dear
Well, I'm very happy and relieved that you're doing better health-wise!~(^W^)~
You are so strong to deal with all that pain, I wouldn't be able to deal >C<
You got the power!
<3 <3 <3 <3