I wish you're H-A-P-P-Y !!!

    2NE1's latest album definitely CRUSH my longingness on them. Really, it was like they're telling the fans directly to COME BACK HOME and not stray anymore. Upon hearing some of the songs I really want to SCREAM "BABY I MISS YOU" so that 2ne1 can hear my appreciation on them. If I can see them face to face, I wanna hold their hands and tell them " I keep on supporting you. I'll be GOOD TO YOU." Gosh! this album deinitely made me HAPPY!

Really. I'm so into listening to HAPPY. I've been weirding out my friends as I'll sing HAPPY out of the blue. Well, I do think this song is a masterpiece. It's a light song that has this carefree vibe because of the awesome beats however, it shields the sad meaning of the song. Aside  from the wonderful technicalities, Happy touched a part of me. I can definitely relate on the song. 

What's your favorite song from 2ne1's crush?

signing out, 



I hope you're H-A-P-P-Y!!!!!



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