Just a thought: is a good thing...?? Wow. -____-


Hi guys~

I have decided to use my blog more often and dedicate it to thoughts/opinions on issues and concerns about random things I find here on AFF or just in general.  It has occurred to me that a number of users here on AFF are mainly around the ages of probably 13 -15? Around that age range supposedly?

So this brings me to my first topic; what confuses me the most is how a number of you could take issues such as , ual harassment and other forms of crimes so lightly. I’m old compared you all of you, I’m 18 years old, so it often makes me cringe seeing those who are years younger than me writing these type of stories where the character gets /ually assaulted and actually… like it? Because the last time I checked, being wasn’t actually considered a good thing…

I know that anyone can write about anything, we all have the freedom to do so, but who in the right mind would be like, “OMG I just got guize nd I luvvvv it. Im leik in luvv with ma rapists. OOO he so hot, I feel so wet, I just want his in ma rite nao.” Okay, so maybe I’m being a bit overdramatic, but it’s pretty much the same concept. But like, be more realistic in a sense of actual human behavior. But then again, most of the younger people would be unaware of that.

Okay, let’s go see the definition of :

: a noun, verb, , rap·ing.

-          Any act of ual that is forced upon a person – quoted from dictionary.com

 If I was (and God forbid I would ever be in such a horrible situation) I know for a fact that I would NOT enjoy it at all. I would be scarred for life. I would be broken, I would be terrified, I wouldn’t be the same. But you know, that’s just me.

So, yeah, just a thought. Would any of you guys care to share your thoughts and opinions upon this subject? Feel free to comment/complain etc.

- Much love to you all,



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blueberryme #1
yes, I totally agree. I am okay with violence, but just disgusts me. i'm 13 and my good friend (male) wrote a story about . I went to house one day and he tild me to critic it. at first, there's just like bullying and fighting.but then a scene appeared and I remember I was like," eww, did you write this " and he nodded and he tried to molest me. it was unbelievable , we were only 12. I hope he can go step on legos.
mysoulisstarving #2
yes~ my thoughts exactly, young author's well much younger than me, SHOCK the hell out of me when they can write such ual things, cmon they are not even allowed to read it, how can they write it
, , Abuse, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence... They will think twice before read or write it when they see with their eyes how desperate the victims life after the tragedy. I have story from one of Women Organization.. check it and please spread it so many eyes open http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/117431
I think writers tend to add scenes in their stories to create suspense or as a but to enjoy "" to a great extent would be something sick and bad for one's development, especially those young users.
omggggggggg i hope they or u are oky
kolmilyo #6
just to add drama to their stories.
kidz here are generally influenced by the mangakas and you know how a manga goes.
the more dark back story, the better.
and what could be darker than that of .
but somewhere along the way it got twisted so "Stockholm syndrome" resulted.
i personally frown on such things.
yap..it's terrible to know a young age read and write bout that stuff.i'm at the same age like you and sometimes i feel disgusted with a story like that even though i subscribe some stories bout that..but most of stories here don't have a good drama,they just tell us bout s*x and all the things like that.they don't have any other purposes than it!!
Oh God. I cringe because I'm just barely in that age range you mentioned. You're right on it though. The people around my age are incredibly stupid, or I guess ignorant to what is. It's horrific and disgusting and I honestly don't think anyone can understand how bad it really is and unless they've personally experienced it or had to watch it effect a loved one.
A close friend of mine ... was. Yeah. And it tore me apart to see what she was like after. She could barely sleep and she always felt dirty. And yet, it's never like that in fanfics.
I will never understand how many people on this site can sugar-coat .
As well when people write about the first time and stuff like that, as far as the first few times are not pleasant but it is always such a freaking magical experience. Yeah, no. I totally agree with you on this.
We have the same thing in mind...
And that dramatic part, i find it funny.
I sometimes wonder how those youngsters write those kind of stuffs..
Though i read , but i don't write it..
But yeah.. I agree 100% with you unnie-ah... O.o
~Ri Yeonnie-ah