character's name┊Hwa Miharu
birthplace┊ daegu, south korea
timeline┊0-10: lived in Daegu. 10-14: lived in gangnam, 14-18 Daegu, 18-21 gangnam
ethnicity┊1/2 Korean, 1/2 Japanese
languages┊fluent in korean | speaks conversational, accent-heavy english
height┊184 cm
weight┊60 kg
Position in Heartbreaker┊Drummer
first first-claim┊tomo kurata
pictures/galleries1 2 3 4 
second/back-up face-claim┊noma han
pictures/galleries┊1 2 3 4 
style┊Most days, you're lucky if you get miharu out of bed, much less get some clothes on him. fashion isn't on the top of miharu's to-do list, he'd rather sleep through his hangover and if you do manage to get him out of his pajamas, its not very likely he'll coordinate his looks or squeeze his into a pair of jeans for you. consider yourself extremely lucky if he even fishes out a clean hoodie-- Miharu has no problem with leaving the house without a shirt on. the only saving grace is, honestly, that every single article of clothing he owns is black so it all matches and you can't really see the stains.
extra┊No piercings (he accidentally got his nose pierced at one point but he was very high and removed it), no tattoos. Despite being an addict, he is actually really not good with needles and hates them and fears them touching him. good luck getting him a flu shot, he will get downright violent.
personality key traits┊impetuous, tenacious, Fiesty, audacious, dauntless
personality"I've got some screws lose in my head, isn't that romantic?" Miharu isn't rash, though Despite being classified as a genius, despite being someone that can caluculate possibilites in an instant, miharu likes to make bad decisions just to see where they lead him. quicker than most people even realize a situation, miharu is already taking the stupidest, worst, most irrational course of action he can pinpoint because he's curious about the outcome. he wants to up as hard as he can, to mess up past the point of return, to live life freely and recklessly and see where he ends up. miharu makes quick, split-second decisions and they're almost always the worst decision possible, leading most people to believe he's rash and doesn't think things through. the problem? miharu thinks everything through, very carefully, and then chooses the option that sounds the most dangerous. after all, what is more fun than danger?
"Don't forget that I was attracted by you because you knew about pain." Tenacity is miharu's middle name. miharu tenacity hwa. stubborn and pig-headed to a fault, miharu doesn't allow anyone to tell him how to live his life. you don't like his active life? good for you. you're worried about his drug addiction? mind your own business, watch out for your own life. once miharu has made his mind up about something, it's nearly impossible to deter him or keep him off of his desired path. although his stubborness doesn't really seem like the typical stubborn nature in which he will argue and bicker with people who don't agree with him, miharu is unmistakable unshakeable and will never change his mind about something. he wants to go skydiving? well, he's going to go skydiving and he doesn't care that it's probably a bad idea to snort coke before he does it because honestly if he forgets to pull his parachute, then what a fun time he had before impact. You can try to order miharu around, but it will never get you anywhere-- he'll just do whatever he wants behind your back instead Miharu is dauntless, he fears nothing (aside from needles), and especially not death. in fact, death completely and utterly fascinates miharu. he's very curious about death and tends to be extremely fatalistic. "Do you think if I stuck this fork in the light socket, it would kill me?" "i wonder what would happen if I just...stepped in front of that train. You dare me?" Miharu tends to do reckless, dangerous things (like lean way too far over a rail) just to test what would happen, just to see if he would fall. Similar to how he makes bad decisions just to see the outcome, Miharu tends to be more interested in taking risks and testing himself rather than living a safe life.
"Little by little by little I grew sick of you, so I hung you." Tied into his recklessness and his dauntlessness, miharu is completely audacious both in action and in the things he says. this ert doesn't think before he speaks --or, well, he does, and he purposefully says really stupid, erted, rude things just to test as many boundaries as he possibly can, just to start as many fights as he can, just to see if he can piss someone off enough that they punch him. He'll grab your , make a lewd comment, anything to get a bit of attention. Miharu's recklessness, his need to choose the most dangerous path, his need to sprint across tight-ropes...it all boils down to his need to feel loved. Will someone care enough to stop him? Will someone care enough to pull him to safety? Will they care enough about him to stop him from harming himself? However, even if you do save him, his pride and his fiesty nature doesn't allow him to really thank people or admit his weaknesses and his insecurity. He's too much of a man to ask for help, and too little of a man to admit he needs it. He's actually adamant about not needing help, and he can be a little childish if you keep trying to help him. you know those ten year old kids that think they know everything, and when you try to help them they act like a little brat? Shockingly, that's how Miharu is. Despite the fact that he often ually harasses Ryeoshin, his step brother, if someone actually turns his flirty nature back on him, Miharu gets testy. He can flirt with you and wink at you and touch you, but if you touch him he's going to get testy and bratty and gets all grumpy. "Yah! Who do you think you are? I'm a daegu man, you can't just treat me like that."
background"Tell me what you want to hear." Miharu, born to a japanese mother that committed suicide when he was two and a korean father who was a very busy man, grew up in daegu with his grandmother. he wasn't a good kid, by any means, and only followed the rules because his grandmother would smack him into next week if he didn't behave and do well in school. rather than learning to be a good person on the basis of being good, miharu learned to be good when people were looking and when people had expectations of him. Although he wasn't a bad person, because children rarely are inherently bad, he did have a cruel and selfish streak that made it rather difficult for miharu to make friends. When he had someone, he wanted them all to himself, and most people were put off by that strange level of obsession that he would form even from a young age. Throughout his short life, he had only had a few friends and they tended to abandon him after a while. The poor child spent most of his childhood at home, watching the other kids in his neighborhood play while he sat inside, staring despondently out of the window-- and when he was around ten, to top it all off, his grandmother passed away. With no where else to go, Miharu left behind his old world in Daegu and moved in with his father in Gangnam. 
"We don't own our heavens, we only own our hell." 
Gangnam taught Miharu a valuable lesson-- it's only a crime if you get caught. He spent the next few years young, rolling with the wrong crowd, doing things he probably should have. But it wasn't that bad, it wasn't like he was into drugs yet or bullying people. In fact, he was just dipping his toes gently in the pool of sins, testing the wter to see if he could handle jumping in. he shoplifted sweets, kissed behind bleachers, and learned more than he wanted about the game "Show me yours," but still he was fairly tame in his actions and endeavors, careful not top overstep his boundaries. Still young, fresh-faced, and thirteen years old, miharu didn't see what hit him when he fell head over heels for one of his daring, enigmatic and charming hyungs. the y boy that smoked cigarettes between classes, passed mischevious winks over text books, ghosted his hands across miharu's back when no one was looking. miharu fell hard, and the rest is, as they say, history. he learned more than he should have at that age, lived a few weeks on a torrenttial roller coaster, and then got caught by his dad who panicked and dragged his very upset, very confused son back to Daegu because gangnam obviously was not the right way to raise a young man. miharu, irritable and broken hearted, searched for another boy to latch on to and he found it in the dangerous, disillusioned ahn ryeoshin who glared and called him "baby" when Miharu needed to hear it most. Ryeoshin tried to push the clingly Miharu away, but Miharu wasn't so easy to deter and eventually Ryeoshin saw what use the tall, broad-shouldered rich boy could really be. they fell into an absolute haze in the years following.
"in the lands of gods and monsters I was an angel, looking to get ed hard." 
Miharu doesn't particularly recall the time he spent with Ryeoshin between the moment where Ryeoshin handed him a little white pill to the moment where he is now. He recalls being happy, being elated when he felt Ryeoshin's overwhelming acceptance over the fact that Miharu wasn't going to just stop following him around like a lost puppy. he accepted him instead, and as a toek of that new, shaky status he'd hooked miharu on drugs. He recalls laying out in their favorite field, wild flowers blooming around them, soaking them in a scent that would still make him sick and nostalgic today, staring up at the cloudy sky and laughing about nothing in particular. He could remember flashes of clothes being torn off, lip biting and gasps and arches and more laughter when one of them did somethng stupid of moaned too loud. it was so fun, marked as the best time of his life in his confused little brain. He may not remember it, but he was happy and contented and he felt whole as he lay shattered on the floor, breathing heavy, pulsing and tired but so wound up he knew he wouldn't sleep for days. and then he overdosed in the middle of the night, eyes rolled back in his head. Ryeoshin woke up and saw him nearly dead, dying, and it sent ryeoshin into a panic attack. where was his inhaler? he was hyperventilating, having an asthma attack brought on by panic-- and they were both going to die in that run down shack they'd discovered in their field of wildflowes. ryeoshin wasn't one for bargaining with god, but he made a promise that if he made it out of there he wou;d quit cold-turkey, and almost directly afterward his hands wrapped around the tool and he inhaled the medicine, finally regaining control over his breathing, relaxing, calling an ambulance before fleeing the scene. Miharu woke up in the hospital a few hours later to an entirely different situation: Ryeoshin wanted nothing to do with him. he avoided miharu, refused to talk to him, told him it was over. and it was over, until their parents srpung their engagement on the hapless boys who had been too caught up in each other to notice how their parents had been snared in the same difficult web.
"You don't love me, big ing deal. I'll never tell you how I feel." 
living together for the next few months and trying not to it all up by telling ryeoshin his true feelings was rough of miharu, that's why he packed up and left. he'd been studying to play the drums for the past few years andwhen he spotted a flyer about joining a band he snatched it off and called to join in. Of course, he had to cozy up with and make friendly with the members before he was actually initiated, he made it in eventually since they were all somehow social rejects. He traveled around with their hodge-podge little mess, playing broken down diners and small sets that hardly anyone would show up to. and he kept up his dangerous, spiraling lifestyle up until the moment he was arrested for narcotics posession. when he called Ryeoshin about him bailing him out, the angry male stormed to meet miharu, afrad that he was going to babble out all their secrets and get the both of them slapped with hard time. that's where we find miharu and ryeoshin today, with ryeoshin grudgingly watching over miharu and miharu silently pining for ryeoshin.
, Speed, Alcohol, ecstasy: Anything that makes him high, makes him feel like he's soaring, makes it so he forgets every little thing that bothers him. his life isn't angsty, he doesn't think it is, anyway. he just has emotional problems that he doesn't know how to deal with, and drugs just feel so good

Taking risks: miharu loves taking risks, doing dangerous things and getting his adrenaline pumping. He loves doing things just for the sheer thrill of it, and for riling up the people around him.

music:  he learned to drum because of his intense love of music, and he really has a deep connection with music. it pulls him through his haze, keeps him moving when it feels like the rest of the world is stuck around him, keeps him from breaking when things shatter all around him.
Poetry: Poetry can be completely incomprehensible, completely dark and twisted and confusing and still it reaches through and grasps some part of miharu, grabs onto him and doesn't let go. he loves reading poetry despite the fact that he never ventures into writing it. he particularly likes poems with birds.
Lollipops: someone has an oral fixation and needs to have things in his mouth to keep him focused-- otherwise his mind wanders and he can't concentrate for any stretch of time and he just stares off into space or watches people walk by-- or he chews on his jacket sleeve, or --if he can get ahold of him- he'll nip at Ryeoshin. Thankfully his step-brother has a seemingly endless supply of coffee-pops to keep Miharu's mouth occupied.
Walks: Miharu disappears sometimes. Most times it's because he's off getting high and you don't honestly know if he's going to wind up dead or if he'll stumble into band practice on time, if not a little confused and sloppy. However, there are some nights where Miharu walks out of the door just to clear his head and take a long walk. Those nights, he typically stays pretty sober and comes home at a normal hour and passes out like a real, normal person.

Mangoes, corn, anything chocolate, fried chicken, squid: the only things you can get miharu to eat without him getting irritable and fiesty and snappish with you. "you're not my boss. if I want to eat this third piece of cake, I'm going to. you and your broccoli can my-" "no, I don't ing want a tangerine."
Coffee & quiet mornings: don't even consider talking to miharu early in the morning. even if he's not hung over, he's likely to be grumpy and tired and he really values quiet in the morning. 
Snow: Opposite to hot weather, he likes feeling cold on his skin. miharu enjoys jamming his hands into ice, laying down in the snow, jumping into a cold lake for a late night swim. he rather enjoys the feeling of being cold.
Skinship: He's a very intimate person at his very core and likes to touch other people. bellybuttons are an erogenous zone that he loves to poke at every chance he gets, so beware.
Sunny days: he gets grumpy when it's too hot. he overheats easily and removes clothing, but there is only so much you can remove before you're too close to being for (other people's) comfort (because Miharu doesn't mind walking around .
Chatty people: In general, miharu doesn't like people that talk too much. But he especially dislikes people that bother him in the morning too much, or talk in the morning at all honestly. he gets a head ache when people don't know when to shut up.
Sitting still: he can't really handle sitting still for long periods of time, he tends to fidget.
when people flirt with him: he's a total hypocrite and doesn't like other people to be flirting with him, he knows he's good looking, he doesn't really need people flirting with him to make himn feel good about himself. He really hates it when people are pushy or put their hands on him-- he likes to feel in control even though he tends to let others (ryeoshin in particular) control him sometimes.
Spicy Food: He doesn't handle hot foods that well or things that have too much of a kick. He doesn't throw a tantrum when he gets it, he just refuses to eat it.
Pop music: Rock and roll is better by about a thousand times. honestly, music withered up a little when pop music became a thing. who likes boy bands anyway.
High Iq: He's technically a genius, but he tends to use his gifts for evil, like some sort of supervillain. he really thinks things through intelligently and logically, but he thinks it's better to try to see how much he can survive, how thrilled he could feel, what crazy outcome it has. he firmly believes the most dangerous option is the most fun.
guilty pleasure: miharu's guilty pleasure, the thing he indulges in in secret, is singing. he loves singing or quietly humming when he's trying to sort the world out and figure out up from down. He wouldn't let anyone catch him singing, however, and he wouldn't ever sing in front of anyone.
Arrest record: miharu was only arrested once in his life for minor possession of narcotics. he was let off with a warning, but it's on his record.
Life-Skills: there are actually a few things that miharu is pretty good at, if only he would ever apply himself. he's a pretty decent (but experimental) chef (who prefers everything layered in sugar), he knows his way around a first aid kit, and can memorize a music sheet remarkably quickly.
Downs: Miharu has overdosed once, been sent to the hospital for various accidents that happened when he was drunk or high, and woke up with two piercings from a wild night. he tends to wander off when he's high, and the longest he's disappeared without a trace is two days before he showed back up at a local coffee shop, staring confused at his own Missing poster.
Clingy: Miharu is a clingy person when he's high or drunk and he likes to cuddle with people and tell them he loves them and, where ryeoshin is involved, he'll bemoan Ryeoshin's cruelty and his unrequited affection.
Stutters: when he's caught off guard, nervous, or surprised, Miharu sometimes stutters or speaks in his native daegu satoori. or both.
Napping: miharu averages out a few small naps between hazes and busy days, so he snatches sleep whenever there is a dull moment. Most times, his body is running on empty.
skipping meals: miharu tends to forget to eat for days at a time and it gets to be a real problem when he's shaking and confused and half-starved.
emotional: Miharu whines a lot when he's upset, and clings onto people he feels close too. however, most times miharu isn't even close to being upset and he's certainly not feeling whiny. it's very rare to see him be candid about his feelings in the way that he is when he's feeling like this.
Needles: he absolutely positively hates needles and cannot handle being even near them. he really can't stand them, and he doesn't have a good reason as to why. it's not like he has a low pain tolerance, it's nearly irrational. 
Being alone: he doesn't fear death, he fears dying alone and unloved. never having really formed meaningful connections with anyone, miharu fears he never ever will.
— Hwa yoonsung | 54 | business man | pushover, weak, slight, anxious | miharu and his father aren't really close. his father doesn't really have any control over miharu, which leaves miharu completely free to get up to any shenanigan he feels like.
— takahashi yuko | 24 (when deceased) | 24 | Patient, charming, kind | miharu's mother passed away when he was two, he doesn't really remember the woman.
— n/a
best friends
— miharu doesn't really have a best friend, per se. just a lot of people he interacts with.
— yoon chaegun | 22 | student | rough around the edges, manic, volatile | he and miharu get high together occassionally.
rival/enemies/love rival
— ahn ryeoshin | 23 | manager | economical, cynical, astute, authoritative, impeturable | some days everything is okay, and Ryeoshin and Miharu get along and mIhaur can pretend he's not upset of pining after ryeoshin. other days everything boils over uncomfortably and they fight and bicker and miharu thinks he just might hate Ryeoshin. they have a complicated relationship.
Activity level┊8
scene suggestions
-- Drug of choice: miharu overdoses again and that is simply it, ryeoshin can't handle it anymore. he has to stop miharu, so he does. we're still working out how, but xiumini has whips in mind.
-- tensions: highlighting how tense everything is between miharu, who questions whether or not ryeoshin ever really loved him or was just using him. ryeoshin, who thinks he only cares about miharu because he feels guilt pooling in him over it.
-- bated breath: miharu has a breath-play kink and likes to be choked. ryeoshin discovers this on accident.
-- will add more
anything else?┊saranghae chu chu, i don't usually know what to say here. i hope the boys aren't too much for you!
comments┊i love the idea and yeah! looks great, very excited. the song below is a japanese song about drug addiction and , woo.


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