I need help from Boices xD If other people want to help.. be my guest xD

Ok, first of all... whoa the editor is freaking different o.o will i be able to work with this lil ? we'll see..

I want to change my profile gif but i dont know each one to choose. xD

I want it to be about CNBlue.. so here they are:

1- http://24.media.tumblr.com/d75ac9386501207dc203f16d0708495e/tumblr_mqexdrf3en1rg0msyo1_500.gif

2- http://31.media.tumblr.com/687092c3d0736216e2561d11e13601c7/tumblr_mzd2qfYTBK1t1j4t5o1_500.gif

Thanks cuties ^^



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1st gif because of reasons.