Rebellion: Choi Ahri

Choi Ahri

ACTIVE RATE [1-10]. 7-8

PLOTLINE. THE mechanic
FULL NAME. Choi Ahri 
NICKNAMES. weapon master, terminator (mostly when she fights alongside her teammates) 

AGE. 23 (I'm not sure of your age range, so after you have chosen your other appies, just change the age) 

FAMILY. Kim Seokjin | 21 |VERY CLOSE |They may not be related by blood, but they are practically family. 

Choi Hyun Ho | (3 years younger than Ahri)  | VERY CLOSE | DIED 3 YEARS AGO

Choi Ji Ho | 44 | Very CLOSE | captured 8 years ago

Kim Jung Ha | 41 | very CLOSE | Captured 8 years ago

FACE CLAIM: Jung Moon Ju 
-Building new weapons
-Inventing new gadgets
-Being with Bts
-target practice (weapons)
-Being captured just like her parents
-hostage situations (more details further on)
-Seeing the ones she loves get hurt





Ahri is the oldest child of the Choi family. Her parents are both top weapon designers, so her family is a little bit well off compared to the others. Just a little bit above average when it comes to money. Three years after her birth, her brother Choi Hyun Ho was born. Since she was young, it already showed that she has the same weapon creating genes as her parents. When she was five, she had already learned how to create and assemble one of the most dangerous weapons that was sent to the Golden City. As she grew up, seeing her parents work, she learned to create and assemble all of their creations. At the same time, her parents taught techniques too. Basically, she became one of the most brightest weapon creator in her district right alongside her parents. Her parents were always busy working, so no one was really home to take care of her and her brother, so they had to help each other, but since Hyun Ho was younger than her, she had to grow up faster than her real age in order to help raise her brother and take care of herself. Not many people know that she's a weapon genius, because he parents told her to stay quiet about it for security reasons. 


When Ahri was 15 years old, in many districts, there were rebel groups that started to rise, in her district, there weren't really any since everybody, including the children were busy building weapons. The Golden City became worried of the situation, and they noticed that that the Armament district was still in a stable situation. They decided to capture Ahri's parents (top weapon designers & creators) and take them to the Golden City to build weapons instead. They were worried that if they stayed in the Armament district too long, they might be the weapon providers for the future rebel groups. If the top designers can create top quality weapons, the rebel groups might end up winning if they choose to attact the Golden City. The Golden City people one day came into the Choi household, and took away Ahri's parents leaving Ahri and her brother to fend for themselves. Without much income, Ahri had to get out of school and go to the factory to assemble weapons, but she told her brother to stay in school. She didn't want his brother to worry too much. When Ahri was around 20, the Golden City tried to capture Ahri because her parents refused to create a bomb that could annahilate an entire district. It wasn't easy to capture Ahri though, since she had possession of many weapons. Many died when she tried defending herself. Seeing it was quite impossible to capture this girl, they took hostage of Hyun Ho and was pointing a gun at his head. Ahri is usually good at aim when it comes to whatever weapon, but Hyun Ho was squirming around too much, and the people who were holding him were moving too much. They kept yelling threats and discouraging things at Ahri, so when she fired, the bullet had hit Hyun Ho in the heart. Seeing the tragic scene, the Golden City was already satisfied, and decided to go back and inform her parents of their son's death, and that Ahri would be next. She felt devastated and alone after her brother's last words were "It's not your fault noona... You did what you had to do. I will never blame you. Good bye and saranghae". Her best friend Jin (met at the factory), took her in after this tragedy. 





Since she was a child, Ahri has always been a very friendly, and happy girl. Back before her parents got captured, she was genuinely happy. Despite the environment she was living, she felt happy because she was able to have fun assembling weapons. When her brother was born, she started to grow up a bit faster than the children surronding her. She's very responsible and independant. However, after her parents got captured, inside, she was starting to break. She felt really sad and scared at times, but she doesn't show it because she doesn't want her brother to worry. Plus, her mum always told her that no matter what happens, keep a smile on your face; it'll help you get through many obstacles in life. That's kind of her motto in life. Her smile helps assure Hyun Ho that everything is fine. 


After her brother's death, she has difficulty maintaining her facade. Sometimes when she's all alone, she's on the verge of tears. She can't forgive herself for killing her own brother, and she also has no idea what to do to save her parents. With these thoughts always haunting her, she can't really fall asleep. And when she wants to fall asleep, she's haunted by nightmares. Basically, she doesn't get much sleep, she's like an owl, which sometimes affects her. She might occasionnally faint because of exhaustion. When she doesn't sleep or can't sleep, she stays up building weapons. She has a weapon she always wants to perfect, so this keeps her up every night. It's her trump card 'liquid nitrogen gun'. It can freeze anything that it shoots at. She also tries to distract herself from the pain, by doing continous target practice. She is scared of missing a target again. The happy mask she puts on actually hides so much pain. Jin warned her about her health, but she always ignores him, and has a plastered a happy smile on her face. She doesn't want to worry Jin either. Plus, since she's older than him, she tries to maintain a strong image. 


Jin was part of the rebel group in the Armament district, so he invited Ahri to join. He wasn't very thrilled of inviting her, because it was dangerous, but he really needed her. It was hard for the group to steal GREAT weapons from factories, since the best weapons were well guarded and counted when built and sent to the Golden City, so Ahri was quite useful in the group. From scraps, she can build incredible things. The equipment and materials that were considered useless, she was capable of turning and combining them into golden weapons. She was kind of the weapon provider of the group. BTS welcomed her with open arms, and treated her with much respect. BTS tries to help her perfect her trump card liquid nitrogen gun with materials they manage to find. Other than being the weapon creator, she's also very good at shooting and using every weapon that exist. The group has a great fighter too.  


In the rebellion (the one where all districts are assembled together), everyone goes to her if they ever need weapons. She then got the nickname of 'Weapon Master'. 

AGE. 21
RELATIONSHIP. Great friends. 

Ken is a very smart guy in the technological district, but can sometimes be very weird, for example, he immitates the sound a misquito makes. He is also a very talkative person, so he gets along with ahri really well. He makes jokes (sometimes lame though, but that's what makes them funny) and this manages to make ahri laugh and lighten up the mood. he's a real mood maker of a room and is capable of cheering someone up.  


When the rebel groups of each distract meet up to create the big rebellion group, Ken and Ahri meet. Well, she becomes close with Vixx since their technology can help improve her already-well-done weapons. Vixx knows her parents since they are really famous weapon designers. They had even helped them improve their designs. When they saw Ahri's blueprints and weapons, they knew she was Ji Ho and Jung Ha's daughter. Her work shows it. Ken and Ahri got along really well when they met due to their personality. Ahri liked Ken's personality and he eventually becomes her pillar of support. He always manages to make her smile and laugh. Bit by bit, they become great friends. 




-Hello, I hope there can be a hostage scene where people from the SREW holds Hyuk hostage (it's like the whole Hyun Ho thing all over again), she can't hold her gun right. She's especially nervous because Hyuk reminds her a bit of her brother, but this time, instead of shooting recklessly, she puts down her weapon. Hyuk doesn't get hurt and manages to escape, but she gets hurt instead (doesn't die though) 

-Her happy facade, at some point, crumbles down, but Ken is there to console her. 

-Physically, she breaks down due to continous years of fatigue

-I hope she is able to perfect her weapon ^^ 

-She almost gets captured by the SREW, but someone (whoever I don't really mind) saves her in time. 

-I hope you like my character! It's the first time I do something like this >.< My friend recommended me your applyfic haha.  Forgive my application's imperfections! Just notify me if there's anything to fix :) 



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