Role players in NeverCast (U-Kiss)

Name: Shin Soohyun


Human age:22

NeverCast age:621

Girlfriend:lllilu / JinAh

*First eldest among his brothers

*Expert in Sword and Martial arts

*He get excited very easily,but very shy when it comes to girls

*He likes to play a prank on his brothers,except Eli.

Name:Lee Kiseop

Species:Fallen Angel-Demon

Human Age:22

NeverCast age:591

Girlfriend:MoniiVann / MiAh

*Second Eldest among his brothers

*Expert in Guns and Arrows(Not archery)

*He may look serious,but actually he's funny

*He doesn't know his past,but his partner made him remember

Name:Kim Eli


Human Age:22

NeverCast age:425

Girlfriend:FlyaAr / YoungHyun

*Third Eldest among his brothers

*Expert in Martial arts,Archery,Guns

*Very Bad tempered,Silent all the time,Merciless(Unlike the girlfriend)

*Even though with his bad character,he still treat his brothers with respect,not like the girlfriend

Name:Kim AJ


Human Age:22

NeverCast age:375

Girlfriend:imymemineswe / YeoShin

*Fourth eldest among his brothers

*Expert in Swords

*She can change into anything!!!From Human to animals to anything!!

*He keeps quiet most of the time.Another words,CALM

Name:Yeo Hoon


Human Age:22

Nevercast age:246

Girlfriend:YuukiMassu / YoungHim

*Fifth eldest among his brothers

*Expert in Navigation only

*Without him,his brothers wouldn't know where to go!!

*Fierce to his third brother when he does something that unpleases them

Name:Woo Kevin


Human Age:22

NeverCast age:214

Girlfriend:RachelLuvskey / SunMi

*Sixth eldest among his brothers

*Expert in healing only

*As a demon,he sometimes shows bad tempered

* He is closest to Dongho and Eli

Name:Shin Dongho


 Human Age:17

NeverCast age:147

Girlfriend:DeiDeiLove / EunMi

* Youngest among his brothers

*Expert in Swords and Arrows

*aegyo is used everyday by him to get what he wants

*He sometimes get scared when talking to Eli



*Hey people!!See those with the red word,if you see the word "Vacant" at your Bias,Send me a private mail to ask me to let you partner your bias,but you must fill out a form to get through!!!Good Luck!!

*Best if you girls send me a private message to get to your bias soon.

*Other information of the story will be sent out once all the vacancies has been filled!!


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imymemineswe #1
It's okay, don't rush.
I'm just happy that I'm going to be in a fanfic ^-^
FlyaAr #2
Sorry...I didnt have time to change....eveythings kinda rushimg so ill change it soon!!
imymemineswe #3
why does it still say 'vacant' on AJ? :-(