Crying = My ugly sobbing face comes out.

Yesterday afternoon, my dog ran away. This morning, he still wasn't home and I cried. Tonight, as my mom was about to go outside, my other dog started yelping and whining worse than we've ever heard. She was in so much pain and you could tell. We rushed her to the vet. She can't stand up and she can't' walk. She's at the vet now and will stay over night. My mom is a strong woman and she balled like a newborn. I couldn't help but to cry along with her. She never cries and when she does, she has a very good reason.

Her exact words were. "This just ..... One runs off and doesn't come home for the first time and now the other one is really hurt. What are we going to do?" 

I tried being strong for her and I told her to try and think positive. I said, "Wonder always comes home. You never know. Britney is strong. You never know. Think positive, mom. Okay?"

She nodded and walked out of the room. I announce that I'm off to bed. Right as I'm getting ready to lay down, I hear. "Jayme! Jayme!"


"Come here! Look who came home!" 

I walk into the kitchen to find my mom holding Wonder. She was crying and I said, "See, mom. Think positive."


Even though the past few days have been crap, I have hope everything will be okay. 

To my uncle, I hope your marriage is saved.

To my mom, I hope Britney will be all right. 


I just want you all to know that crying is okay, but I want you all to think positive when it comes to bad things. Okay? If I, being an emotional person, can do it, so can you. 


Have a lovely night guys. Cross your fingers that Britney will be okay. <3


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jayme, love, i understand what it's like with dogs. just like you said, think positive...for unni? i don't like to see you sad...and it's supposed to be unni's job to make you feel better. i love you ♥