Hey yo!

Hey Lemondrops, so I recently made my fanfic named Miracles public. I created it a while ago but never really felt comfertable to post it until now! :D So check it out?<333 Also I am so so so sorry for not getting on alot or updating Engaged to a Muscle Head, I have been so busy with school lately. I have 3 D's right now and my mom is super duper mad. She threatened not to let me go to my prom and take away my computer, phone, spring break trip, and my marching band trip. Also I was chosen as President of Prom decorating commitee and let me tell you something I have never met more idiotic people in my life. So today after school we were all working on things Person 1 (I cannot name name's sorry) was working on our big film thing. So this flim is just a long black piece of rolled up paper and it has little things you poke out to make it look more like film right. So I put person 1 on it because she seems to always mess up something so I was told to give her something easy. Poking out black things is super easy right? WRONG! This is what I told her exactly.(minus the names).

"Ok, person 1, what you do is you unroll this piece of black cardbord right here and you see these black indentions? You use your fingers to poke them out. Once you're done don't do anything else to it and go help person 2 with the painting."

Now I leave and go find a trash can so we can start cleaning up the trash and when I come back what do I see? Person 1 has cut the flim into individual peices and super glued them to the camras....now the flim was supposed to say a long piece of film so It can hang on the wall. Now we have to find a way to make it work with either tape or something. Plus we have to find a way to get them off the camras without ripping them. Now let me tell you about person 3....SO she was incharge of holding the crowns for a second while I went to go get the boxes for them to go in. She got so mad that I asked her to hold them instead of giving her an "important" task that she threw the box on the grown them stomped and jumped on it. When I came back I saw person 2 yelling at her so I was like, "Great, what happened now." Thinking that she stepped on her or something. When I saw the box I got seriously upset but stayed calm, I mean as long as the crowns are alright right? So I pulled open the box only to see the crowns in pieces. I was about to have a heart attack and faint, but instead I just pinched the bridge of my nose and told everyone that they could go home early.People were really testing me today. 




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