A-Z survey (copied from bestfriend_inspirit)


- Uhmmm...Is being dumped include?


[B]irthday? (Why didn't asked about [B]iase?)

- 18th January.



- Stupid boy! (Now I love Changmin even more than that DOG! At least Changmin is the GOD!)


[D]rink you last had?

- Mineral water and sarsapilla juice...i have to stopped drinking coke and pepsi. My blood pressure hike up!


[E]asiest person to talk to?

- Omma...i like her scolding me, Appa...he always ignore me *pout*, Unnie...she talked about k-pop with me, Dongsaengs...*curse*


[F]avourite genre of music?

- Ballad, hip hop, pop and acapella


[G]ummy bears or Gummy worms?

- Gummy bears much cuter than gummy worms, and Gummy's unnie had TOP in her music videos...LOL


[H]ad your first kiss?

- Nope. Still has.



- Piano and drum. Dand Dang Dang! (Omma: Oh for GOD sake! Turn off the damn broken radio!)



- Carrot milk juices make my eyes brighter!



- Anything that has more than four legs!!!


[L]ongest trip?

- To Thailand...


[M]ilkshake Flavour?

- Chocolate.


[N]umber of siblings?

- 4.


[O]ne Wish?

- I wish I had Doraemon as my friend...


[P]erson who holds the best memories with you?

- Omma! Appa! Unnie! Chingu! Dongsaeng?! 

[Q]uiet or Loud?

- Quiet at school and Loud at Home!


[R]easons to smile?

- So they would think me not just a psycho person. *rooten smile*



- All TVXQ and JYJ's song...KATY PERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[T]ime you woke up?

- 6:00 am every morning...



- Owned four for myself-RED for CASSIOPEIA, BLUE for ELF, GREEN for Triple S, and YELLOW for FT ISLAND! 



- Loves it as much I LOVE CHANGMIN!

[W]arm at the moment?

- Yup! And too many mosquito!


[X]-rays you've had?

- Not yet.


[Y]our favourite animal?

- Strong like horse, adorable like cat and flexible like swan... 


[Z]odiac sign?

- Capricorn. 


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I wish doraemon too...
Ohh... cool.
I wish I had doraemon as my friend too! :DD