Funny class day lol...

I had substitutes for almost every class expect for 4° and 5°, DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW AWESOME THAT WAS?!?!?!?! :D 

So for my 1° (English) I was just writing and submitting my work when the substitute (she's a teacher-in-training from a university) was like "Everyone, you need to work on your hooks for your essays, they need a lot of work! If you need help ask Jakeline (me), she's far more advanced at this than all of you!" I was like 'muahahahahaha what now weenies' on the inside but on the outside I was all bowing and saying 'thank you'. I thought it was cool cause everyone in that class is older than me and they were asking me for help... I felt a sense of pride... 

2° we just took notes, but it was cool cause as a lab experiment we found the different friction on an objects with different surfaces.

For 3° at the end of class the substitute teacher was an old guy and he was waiting at my desk, I didn't know cause I was packing up but when I got up to leave he was like right there in front of me so I was like: "Can I help you?" And he was like: "I just wanted to tell you that you did a good job today so I'm bring you cookies tomorrow and leaving an honorable mention to your teacher about you." All straight forward so I get cookies too! :o ^-^

And 4° we were playing baseball and I am not good at sports, the guy that was throwing the ball knows me from a young age so he was like "It's okay if you don't get it, I'll throw an easy ball" ... And then I hit a different guy in the... boy parts... with the ball when it was my turn to bat and he is one of my worst bullies, so it felt good to get him back though I do feel bad that he was doubled over in pain... So I said sorry, it was still cool, though (/.\). I'm a bad person for saying that /.\ 

and since I haven't slept in over 28 hours I was dying in 5°, my teacher noticed lol. Since it's the last class, he talked to me for a bit after class cause I was being a slug and packing slowly. He was like: "are you tired?" So I answered "nope..." But my eyes were closed and I was yawning so he laughed at he was like "you're funny kid." And then I left... I like 5° now lol. 

And so now, I shall try to fall asleep but will probably ultimately fail and start writing, then try to unscramble what I wrote in the morning... This blog was totally long and boring but I love youuuuu and if I could share my future cookies I would lol ^-^   


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Wow cool day for you man you're a lucky girl xD
Wow sounds like you had an awesome day XD I almost burst out laughing when you said you hit the guy in the (pls insert word here) XD Congrats on getting your revenge ahaha Well just go get enough rest seriously especially since you haven't slept for so long ><