Happy Birthday to my UB! CL!


Woohoo! #CLQueenGZBDAY

To all Clovers/GZBs.

To celebrate this very special day; the day our Queen came to this earth. Let us all trend the hashtag I used above so we could show how special she is.

It happens to me rarely, that I find someone that I can connect with, someone who is able to inspire me. All that changed when I came to know about the existence of this certain badass gizibe known as CL. She insipred me to be myself and that being different is not a bad thing. 
Her will to do well, her charm, her attitude. Everything. EVERYTHING makes her perfect.
Someday (IDk when *sniff sniff*), I hope I'll be able to meet her in person and tell her how much she has made an impact in my life. Thank her for giving me will to continue and not feel bad about myself because of what people say about me. Continue doing what you do best Unnie. Good luck for AON and your WT!




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