

Lately I feel like everything I write is . Not necessarily with my stories, just poems and such. I wrote them and I decided to wait a bit before uploading them to deviantart and now that I've uploaded a few I've looked at the rest and I just don't like them anymore... I don't know what's wrong with me.

And tomorrow in creative writing we're supposed to start our 3rd original piece and I'm not feeling it. I just want to sit there and go through the tabs on my Humans of New York book or try and finish Harken.

For those of you blessed souls who are still looking for an update to Tempt Me to Heaven or Taste of Heaven, holy you guys are dedicated. Taste of Heaven has the slightest chance of being continued while Tempt Me to Heaven I didn't really have a plan for in the first place.

I don't know I think I'm just loosing a lot of motivation. I'd like to just isolate myself in my room for a bit and read all day. In all honest there are three things I'd be content with doing every day and that's my APUSH class, choir, and just reading. There are so many books on my shelf and in my Ottoman that I have yet to read and I'd love to take time off and just read all of them from Ketchup Clouds that I got today to The Art of War.

I'm just... I don't know. I'm going to keep updating How to Love just because it's scheduled, but other than that you probably won't see much of me.



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