
So...it seems that Suga Nanako is no longer in SKE48--graduated already. No matter what, that 5th generation puppy robo-genius will always be in my heart. Even now, it's pretty hard to believe eh?

For people like I and the people like they,
We exist in the same yet different world
In the same universe, yet completely different
We are parallel lines, never to truly intersect
Those who have shaked hands with them
Are what would be considered intersecting
But, in the end...
The fans and the idols.
Idols that we can meet...
Even so, for the most part, we are not in the same world
For fans like me, we are parallel lines opposite of each other
For the ones that have crossed paths,
They are intersecting lines of some sort

^ My depressing thoughts of yesterday.

Right now, I have a Seira-san graduation one-shot to finish. Sato Seira, good bye.
And...a NaoNan to start. Nanako, I'll miss you.

If in another world...we could meet.
If in another world, we crossed paths...
I wonder if I would cry and remember
I wonder if I would reach out to her
I wonder if I would just walk pass

Tomorrow is the Big Reformation.
I wonder how long...How long will I continue to be a fan?

Forever in my heart: SKE48

That SKE48 I loved
And will the new SKE48 be what I love?

There are millions of questions...
So, SKE48 congratulations on Nagoya Dome
And...even if everything changes, I will keep you in my heart
The derpy weird erted KII
The improving yet fresh and somewhat more weak E
The S that was built up by the first generation

And...my oshimen... that Matsui Rena... the forever Kami Kumi-san... Nanako-inu... Furukawa... Churi... and so many other members...
Haaa... after all, I guess I'm an SKE-Hako Oshi... or something like an MD type of fan.

Well, we can only hope for the best...

And in the past, didn't I post a blog post about wishing to know more about Nanako?
I guess...maybe  I have.

Today with all my feelings...I hope it won't be the last day inside this fandom as an actual fan...

Edit: For those who don't know: Matsumoto Rina has announced her graduation. Once again, another one off the list.
        I can't say much about that girl, but I can note that...other than KumiNon, and WMatsui and the so called y Churi
        In the KataFina MV, this girl caught my attention the most. Up until the end, continue supporting MatsuRina!


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