Request form(layout) Bunny3 Co

Request form for Bunny3 Co layout

Usename: (your AFF's name)

Layout for: (what kind(ex. Applyfic)

Story title: (put link if you can)

Colors: (give me the code(#080808)or just the color name(grey)

Choice: optional(borders, background, and such)

Features:(ex. Apink, Troublemaker)

Items:(videos, poster space, positions space)

Words: optional(if you want me to first put the title on it or the group's name)

More: optional(extra information)

Deadline: optional(for you)




•I might ask you more questions later.

This request form sure is ulgy but just deal with it.

•After you complete this turn it into the Shop's comment.

•We will contact you after we complete your request.

•Don't forget to keep credits and such(we will remind you afterward)

**Price for layout will range between 2 to 50 karma points, but normally it won't cost more than 20, depending on the layout's difficulty. I will determine the price, so do not argue nor bash me.


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