I just watched the shinee artist greeting video and keys hair is freaking pink. It's a blondish pink tint and OMG MY KEY FEELLLLLLLSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! Not to mention they're all wearing leather which is enough for me to have a feel spaz but the fact that KEYS not Jongs, not Taemins, not Minhos, and not Onews hair is pink but KEYS the almighty diva and the man I worship. And I think we all know that pink is Keys favorite color so hopefully this hair color is here to ​stay.  I just can't and I was about to go to sleep but then I saw this and was like: OMG *EPIC SPAZ MONKEYS* I DON'T THINK I CAN HANDLE THIS MUCH PERFECTION. 

Sidenote: is anyone else noticing the fact that Minhos hair is longer every time we see him.....perhaps a RDD hairstyle coming back soon? I hope so.....Minho please bring back the pony tail..............please.......


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