Why do people look at things they hate?

Okay, so there's this old lady on YouTube. She goes onto a gay guys channel and watches his self-harming video just to make fun of him in the comments. Then when people tell her that's rude, she tells them they're all going to burn in hell.

I can't stand people like that. Why look at something if it pisses you off? Is it that fun to be angry?

Its just wrong. All of it.


How do you all feel about this?


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She has no life what so ever
n yes i know how u feel babe
i think all i wanted to say has been said
Short story: No life.
Long story: They have nothing better to do.

Honestly, in my opinion, why is the self-harm video up in the first place. Of course it's feels better to reveal your feelings and sort of say, get it off your chest, but I don't believe you should post it publicly because you can get even more hurt by offensive and bad comments. Secondly, this old lady should just go play chess or read a book (I'm kidding). Honestly, she is an old lady so should be mature about the matter and might as well, not comment at all. She knows how to use the internet, I guess that's impressive-- I guess this lady had nothing better to do.

This world is blinded by hate and words. It has been corrupt since the day language existed.
For people that comment/dislike a video, to me, is something I Pay No attention to. Usually when I see something like that, I shake my head and keep scrolling.

Point being, leave those people be. they have an opinion (be it ignorant or not) Let them express it through akeyboard. The fact that people highlight them is the problem. I like reading the back and forth comments between two people because it's like, "Dude, there's No way calling them rude or mean Will do anything but fuel their opinionated thoughts because they want to save theirs from yours."

Now. I'm laughing How hypocritical this comment is. (≧▽≦)
usually the senior citizens should be the ones advising society on how to treat others better, not the other way around
One word....ignorant. Everyone who does that; ignorant. That old ; ignorant. She just wants to be seen and heard even if it's stupid and rude as hell and pisses everyone off instead of doing what she really wants to, going into a closet and putting a bullet to . (Letting of some steam so don't blame me) instead of walking to your -paying job just to be around rude coworker and get cursed out by your boss you wanna on youtube, instead of hearing all those voice mails from company saying your very much over due on a lot of bills you wanna be some ignorant hypocrite and curse people to go to hell when your the one talking complete . Why am I even going into this because obviously that's just what she wants I'm sorry for taking up your comment space just give this retard my iPad battery
ㅋㅋㅋ ..
candieslove #7
true, some people are so blinded be their beliefs that they can't make some good decisions. I bet if there was a channel were there was a straight person self-harming she would probably send some supportive comments. self-harming is wrong and no one should encourage it.
trolls be trolling. don't feed the troll. (y)
AZN_Ninja7 #9
whut de hell btch
who de fuq asked for yo opinion
fuq off and get a life
You think what you're doing is any better? Who are you to tell them they're gonna burn in hell when you're the one making their lives miserable in the first place *^*

Yeah it actually happens alot 8/
I think people just don't have anything to do with their time but be btches >.>
that's so stupid!! why would she do that!??!?!
it's not just her unfortunately.
A lot of people do this.

But she shouldn't do that, it is rude.
I'm fine with the elderly being on the internet, but they just have to know, IT'S THE INTERNET. You aren't always going to like what you see, and you can't just hate on people because you don't like something. MOVE ON.
it's not just old people whjo do that. Alot of different age groups go to websits and start thinks like that alot. It's wrong to do it but it's always happened.