Newbie Probs....

How do you put gifs on your stories? Like not just in the beginning, but throughout the story?

What are karma points? 

Why are some stories "subscribers only"? Does it make a difference for the writer?

or  the ones where you have to invite people for them to see it? I don't get it......

i'll have more questions, soon.....


i just decided to recently make a Oneshot because my real life bestfriend (you know who you are) added me on here & she told me to make one, but I was all "I at writing & I don't really have good stories in my head"

but I had a Yoon Shi Yoon dream a couple weeks ago & decided to expand on that xD


It's taking me forever to finish editing the story AND figuring out how to write it on here.... LOL


kudos to all these wonderful authors that write tons of Fanfics here, idk how you're so patient and have that much time on your hands :) 


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asdghjkl; i at explaining things. :c but good luck with your oneshot!
i can't wait to read it. i'm sure you'll do just faine. i'll support you all the way. ♡
Yup, gifs work just like pictures. Find the link and insert it as an image.
kisekinaru #3
For karma points, It increases in your profile if you're active on the site(commenting on posts, updating your stories etc) I think it's just a point system (not too interested in it) and you can do stuff with it example changing your username.

A 'subscribers only' indicates the author doesn't want silent followers. They would rather know who exactly is interested and reads their story. I think it has something to do with making sure you at least get a response from users for your hard work in writing the story :) You are allowed to read the foreword but must subscribe for the rest. I did that for my latest story to try it out but I think I might just set it to anyone can read it xD I'm generally lazy to update and even though I'm not super popular, I still want to update for the few people who like my ideas ^^

Inviting people to see is just giving them a notification of suggestion that you would like a particular user to read your story (sounds like that to me but I've never done it)

As for the gifs, I don't usually do them but I think it may work the same with pictures? When you edit a post there's a lot of options of putting pictures on. I use the linking method ^-^

Again this is only how much I know xD I've only been a member since the end of September last year :3 Hope I helped and goodluck on the one shot!!