
So today in English class, we discussed the topic individuality and why it was important. We wrote a paragraph about how life choices affect individuality and it got me thinking about how our society treats being an individual. 


so first off: this is just a rant, nothing kpop related so you can go listen to some KPOP or read some fics if you don't wanna read. Carry on if you do though (:


Why is being an individual important? I honestly believe being someone you aren't is despicable. We should always be encouraged for being ourselves shouldn't we? But what our friends or peers think definitely plays a role in our life choices.

Thoughts like "Will my friends think I'm weird?" or "Will this make my friends happy?" often cloud my mind. But we should all have the freedom to make our own choices for ourselves if we are mature enough to do so. What if we are pressured into doing something we definitely will regret later?

I feel like a lot of people (even myself) think that we have to look, act, be a certain way for others to like us. But isn't that being something we are not? We should all be happy being ourselves with no one judging us, right?

That's what I believe is right. We shouldn't judge people for what they are and what they are not, it's just a waste of time. We should focus on ourselves and being ourselves. I know for sure that I have judged people without fully knowing what kind of person they were, and I know it's bad, but we sometimes can't help it.

I feel like in our society today, there is lots of judgement, bullying and having opinions of other people. But, we are society. So technically it's our fault for concluding things without knowing what people's intentions were. We should all have freedom of expression and not be criticized for our opinions. 

So the point I'm trying to get across is, we should be ourselves, no matter what. Be creative and be what you are best at. Don't be afraid to stand up to people (don't take it TOO far though xP) and make your own choices instead of having people do them for you. Be you, don't try to act like someone you aren't because it gets tiresome. Be true to who you are and never forget who you are.

Everyone is not the same, we all have different goals in life, we all have different problems we have everyday, we all have our different stress levels. And most of all though, we all have different ways of expressing ourselves. 

Be happy about who you are, you don't have to change for other people to be happy. As long as you stay happy, but not at another's expense, that's all that matters.



Thanks for reading (:



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"As long as you stay happy, that's all that matters." = good point, but I would add "as long as you stay happy BUT NOT AT ANOTHER'S EXPENSE, that's all matters (caps are for emphasis, not yelling). so many times, people think individuality means they can go around telling other people to respect them and leave them alone, but not respecting other people's right to do so themselves. individuality doesn't have to mean "selfish"