What if being gay had been praised & being straight would have been frowned upon?


This seriously was just too sad.
It made some sense though. . .


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FallenTwin #1
I've watched this video before and it holds a very important message. What makes me so upset is that this is reality for many people! Why are some people so blind and ignorant? How can they let this happen?!
I watched this video and it made me cry and when I shared it to my facebook I got a reply back that said "no, straight is the norm and thats that gays go home" and I think they totally missed the point of the video.
if you love someone, of different or same , it shouldn't matter. we're all human after all and should be treated equally :)
:0 I posted this like last year! I had a big "why are people so judgemental" type rant and everything. Glad to see it's still circulating!
That made me cry so hard ;---;
Excuse me while I go cry T^T
OMG when I saw this video for the first time it blew my mind
oh my god