

This is the first time that I didnt update for many days. And I'm sorry about that :(

I don't know what's wrong with my head lately.. I can't seem to think and I felt so lazy.. My mind just suddenly stop functioning.. I tried to write some today but I couldnt finish even half of the story :(


This might be because of overworking my self from my work -.-

Im sorry everyone I will probably be on rest for awhile. But i promised that I will be back soon as I can.. So please wait for my update ne? 


Lots of love sending your way my readers <3


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monshine #1
shall wait for you...take proper rest and take care of yourself....
faeriemythc #2
Sometimes you just need a break, it's OK. Rest a while.
take ur time sweety ;) take a rest more and lots of hugs for u :) <3