◄◄ Rebellion - The new start || Yook Sungbi

Yook Sungbi/Hope

applicant. jadeapk
active rate. 8.5
nickname. j, jade

plotline. The friendly
full name. Yook sungbi
nicknames. sunggie, bee-bee, hope

age. Youngest of the alliance, so maybe 16-18 (I'll let you decide author-nim~)

family. yook sung jae | 18 | very close | they only have each other as family other than the members of btob, so they have a quite cute relationship together

yook sungah | 24 | unknown | died years ago along with her parents


face claim: gam da in
backup face claim: lee dasom
doing pranks on btob | hanging out with sungjae | messing around with trades | singing | talking in general | sleeping | meeting new people | snooping in on other's conversations | playing with sungjae and peniel | WEIRD FOR GLOVES
the golden city | her eye-patch | losing anyone | low self-esteem | burdens | lies | ungratefulness | stupid offers | playboys | traitors | back-stabbers | PEOPLE WHO BACK OUT | PEOPLE WHO LEAVE | LONELINESS
something only we know - character history + personality

HISTORY:  Sungbi (Hope) was born on May 4th as the youngest of the Yooks. However, Sungbi was the only one of the 3 kids to be born slightly blind, a common thing in the Medicine District. How did it get to her? She even doesn't know to this day. Her parents named her Sung Bi which meant Star Rain, meaning that there'll always be a star in the rain. That is also a way of saying that there is always a light in the darkness. Her relationship with her parents and her siblings were one of the most admirable to a parent: full of love. Because she was born in the times of the Golden City's evil, they had her and Sungjae home-schooled. She has Hope as a nickname from her father, because he hoped that she'll eventually be a hope to someone or Sungjae, as he favored him.  

   However, when she was 7 years old, their parents and unnie had to go on business to the Golden City, and were left with Peniel's parents. However 2 years later, Hope had watched the news with the headline of the Yooks Murdered by the Golden City. All because of a stupid proposal the Golden City made and he rejected. Heartbroken and filled with rage, she cried her eyes out with Sungjae. She made an oath to herself to avenge her parents and unnie, and rid of the Golden City once and for all. A year later, she became fully blind and struggled for a whole 2 years. Fortunately, someone in the Technological District invented cybernetic contacts that let you see even if blind upon a request at the Medicine District. So, Peniel's parents bought it for her so that she could see. However, it eventually had a drawback, and left Hope's left eye blind, but the other one could still see. Because of that incident, she now wears a eye-patch over her left eye. Sungjae, saddened of her blindess, guides her in the best way he can, as she is suffering far more than him.

PERSONALITY: Hope is an always positive girl who loves to talk to anyone. She has her cheerfulness from her times with her parents, as she and Sungjae were the lights in their life. She will do ANYTHING to have you as a friend, even if it results to annoying the crap out of you. Her talkative side mainly came from the times when she, Sungjae, and Peniel played together. Hope usually blurts out something kind of random, usually ending with a cute giggle. She knows that people have had hard times in 20xx, and for some reason likes to listen to conversations like that. She also likes to help people who are in need, just like her. From volunteering time to other things, she just has the feeling that she needs to help others in need. She also hates to see people sad or in pain, so she would always at least try to cheer them up. She wouldn't even care if she didn't know them, or even if she hates them.

   However, she is very gullible, so you can play any prank on her and she'll fall for it. She also can't help but get into other people's businesses, so is very nosy. Hope also worries often whenever someone has a pain. Whenever that happens, she'll go into either naggy mode or umma mode. She is also very thruthful. But, as you know, being truthful can also be quite disadvantageous. She can also be a little TOO affectionate as well. Overall, Hope has a sweet heart, but can also get quite annoying.

inside the rebellion - how did you get in ?

Sungjae was the one who told her about the rebellion in the first place. He had always wanted to take on revenge for their parents, but then she wanted to be a part of it as well. She didn't want to break her oath, and with her brother, it'd be even better. BTOB and the other rebels were kind of hesitant to let Hope into the rebellion, as BTOB knew the pain she is in. They didn't want her to get hurt anymore, especially Sungjae, with only one eye to see with. She mainly wanted to join the rebellion because she didn't want the same thing happening to Sungjae: leaving her and ending up dying. However, they can tell she had the fire of rage in her eyes.They eventually let her be a part of the rebellion.

Hope is the motivator in the group, bringing up the other's low self esteems if they have them. This is because that she doesn't want them to think too much about it, as it will distract them from the rebellion, and who knows, they may get shot while thinking about something. She hates to see someone in low spirits, as everyone deserves to be happy (except the Golden City) in her eyes.

love in hell
love interest. CHA HAK YEON (N)
age. 23
relationship. Friendly
PERSONALITY. N is the oddly adorable leader of vixx. he loves to talk to people, and is very friendly as well. from head to toe, he's almost like hope, with a few exceptions of course. he usually encourages people to do something, like how he encourages leo to speak more. he can get along with just anyone, therfore being really talkative as well. however, whenever it comes to serious matters, he'll be the proper leader he is. he also helps others whenever they need it. for example when one of the members of vixx is sad, he'll usually try to get a laugh out of them. overall, n and hope are basically twins.


N and Hope meet when BTOB and the rebels go to meet up with VIXX in the Technological District. Eunkwang goes to talk to N, when Hope decided to tag along as well, as she loves to meet new people. N greets Eunkwang when he notices Hope right behind the latter. He asks Eunkwang who she is, but Hope decides to introduce herself, and did it in the bubbliest way possible. Hope took a small liking of him at first sight as well ^^ N for some reason likes aegyo, so it left a good impression on him. However at the same time, he was kind of worried. I mean, why bring a cute girl to a rebellion? She also looked kind of scary in his eyes because of her eyepatch. (N is also the one who made the contacts that she wore/wears as he's 17-18 by the time she got fully blind)

N thought it was weird to fall in love in a period like this in Naulen, but hey, you can fall for anything. Hope on the other hand, always thought that you can find love in anyone - even in the most weird people. "Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love." is a quote that is dear to Sungbi, as that was a quote from her mother she shared when she was just 4 years old. Sometimes when N does aegyo it drives her crazy, as she LOVES it strangely. It also works vice versa. She also goes crazy when N goes y mode.


Can I request a random scene where Hope acknowledges N that he looks like Sungjae a little XD?

Also, a scene where Hope tells N why she has an eye-patch please :3

Overall, your applyfic is REALLY unique ^^ Hope this story goes well, and hope I get chosen >.< I hope you like Hope :D (I said hope a little too much XD)

I also chose 2 gifs that holy N is freaking adorkable n' y.

If you're wondering why I decided to make her half-blind, it's because I got the idea from the pic of Da In (my uzzang) I have on the top. The thingy is covering her left eye, so that's why I made Hope half-blind :D

By the way, if the Friendly Plotline becomes unavailable, then I'll probaby go for either the Loner of the Farmer Rebel ^^

I also thought that VIXX's Light Me Up would suit any of the couples, as it basically talks about a dark city (I guess Naulen) and the girl being the light to the guys who are trapped in darkness or vice versa. Well, IDK XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQXbUnOu1VE

layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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