Inspiration #2

'In a world where you’re influenced by outer appearances, the vain desire to be thought well by everyone else consumes you—even if he or she doesn’t play a single role in your life, even if you’re putting yourself beneath them. And by allowing this to dictate who you wish to be in the eyes of others—not your own—you eventually become someone you were never meant to be. You put on a mask that becomes like your second skin, a façade that becomes natural to you and false to me, constantly presenting a grand show in front of an audience that we call society. It’s all in the presentation. The performing you will always be different than the actual you, the one behind the curtains, and that’s why we crave intimacy and those who we can share our deepest and darkest secrets with. In the words of Shakespeare, all the world’s a stageThat’s exactly how we live through society: putting on an act. And with this very illusion that you fall victim to, you begin to fall in love with the idea of others—idealizing them and filling in the blanks yourself because you don’t know a single thing about them other than what you see and believe, or you mask false love with real lust (induced by appearance), or tuck away who you really are in order to please someone that will never accept you for who you really are. It’s sad, but I guess we’re all doing what we can to get by.'


'People always had an idea of me. And at times, they fell in love with it—or even despised it. They barely knew me so they ran off with their imagination and tried to fill in the missing blanks with whatever they pleased. And because they never got close, they’ll never know what truly lies beneath the mask that I have fixed on. So all they’re left with is their own little impressions that rest deep within their mind. Whether they’re true or not, I don’t think they’ll ever know. There would even be times when one would get frustrated to the point where they start to hate me only because I never opened the door for them, but that’s okay. If there was one thing about me that I’d want you to know: it’s that I truly do understand. The mask that I have on is not for performing, although it does help in times of need, but the true reason is that I hide myself only to protect myself—to treasure what’s left of me. The remaining parts that I’d like to keep'


'Have you ever stopped waiting for someone? And did you truly stop waiting for them or will you always be waiting, silently and unknowingly? Sometimes I think about how enjoyable life would be if we could hop on a train with no destination or travel overseas with nowhere in particular to be. I’ll have you know that my life is full of contradictions. But I say what I feel. And feelings change. Don’t they always? At least most of the time they do. They say to never fear. But we fall victim to routine and stability and seek comfort and become afraid. Imagine how wonderful life would be if we managed to take risks more often. The possibilities are unimaginable and endless. I’ll always find beauty in sadness. There’s this subtle elegance, this dreamlike quality to it. Films and poetry and music and writing would be nowhere without it. I think we need some sadness in our lives with healthy dosages of happiness—if attainable. Can I be honest with you? I’m as lost as the next person. I’m as lost as you. And the reason I don’t like to admit it is because I like it. Most people don’t. But it makes me feel more in tune with life.'


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