Another project? Really?

I learned something today and that is, don't get a drink from the water fountain when my friend is around. I've known this boy for 10 years and I should have known to expect this from him. I went to get a drink at a nearby water fountain, he comes up next to me and shoves my face in the stream of water. Right. Before. The. Bell. Rang. 

Remember when I went on a rant about how my English teacher took away my paper because someone was copying off of it? Well, I got said paper back today and she gave me half credit. I couldn't even finish it. -_- Not pleased.

Today was better than a regular monday, so I'm happy about that. I'm getting panda pajamas for christmas and I'm naming them. Why? Because I'm cool. Nah, because I think os Seungho and Seungri, so I'm making them a couple name and naming my pajamas. Hahahaha. 

Since I'm in Spanish 3, I have to write a 9 chapter story in Spanish.... Past tense. Awesome. Before the 22nd, which is my winter break, I have to get at least 2 chapters done. After break is when we finish, which will be right before semester ends. Ew. The plot has to be like an adventure. It's going to be.... Long and boring. I'll probably come up with something weird. Also, the setting has to be a real place and the treasure they find, has to be something that was actually found. Research. Ew. 

Well, wish me luck!

Hope you all had a great day. 

Bye, AFFians~


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i love you~ ♥ at least she gave you SOME credit ._.