♚Crown Application - Kwon Min Jee - The Intellectual ♚

 Kwon Min Jee
BlackRose001 // Andreia // (8.5-10)
♚ The Intellectual

NICKNAME: MJ; B-Rose; MinMin
DATE OF BIRTH: 20/03/1997
AGE: 16(almost 17)- in korea 18
LANGUAGE: Korean- Native; English- Fluent

♚ Showtime
STAGE PERSONA: Queen of Thorns
POSITION: Lead Dancer, Vocalist
FANCLUB COLOR:                
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

MinJee is a really  kind, loyal, mysterious, rational, sensible/emotional and level-headed girl.

Sensible/Emotional: When MinJee has to much feelings boiling inside her, she will break. She will cry without non-stop and will not be able to control her emotions very well. Somehow, ever since she was young, she could feel people´s emotions. She could feel the saddness, the hapiness, the lonelyness, the angryness, everything. When there´s to many mixed emotions around her she will be really sensible and will stay most of the time quiet.

Loyal: She is the type of girl that will never betray you or talk about you behind your back. She is really loyal to her friends and family, always defending them until the end.

Mysterious: She is really mysterious when it comes to her things. She rarely says things about her likes, dislikes, hobbies, fears, and life. It´s a complete mistery to almost everyone. She´s more the type of listening than speaking.

Rational: MinJee is a steady and rational person. She can define goals precisely, distinguishing between what she really needs and what she can easily do without. She is able to learn from previous experiences. She feels and values the present and think seriously about the future. She takes her projects seriously, evaluating carefully their importance to her as well as the feasibility of their implementation.

She is  capable and disposed to evaluate soberly her possibilities within the context of various circumstances. She considers the consequences of her actions. she has the courage to make a decision but also, when necessary, to reject it. Having made a decision she doesn't hesitate, but carry it out energetically. She´s cautious but not shy. In trying to reach her goal she is capable of overcoming many obstacles and difficulties. At the same time, she can evaluate the importance of that goal to her and her potential for achieving it, as well as her possible gains and losses. 

She´s socially active. She has her own opinion on many social and political issues, but doesn't like to trust it on others. She open-minded but doesn't like extremism or aggressiveness. She easily becomes friends with people who make a good impression on her and she has many friends to whom she gladly gives whatever help she can without expecting compensation or profit.

A sense of self-dignity is intrinsic in MinJee. She is aware of the limits of her abilities and is satisfied when she has exploited them to the fullest. She isn´t egotistical and does not need to prove her merits to others nor demonstrate superiority over them. She isn´t vain, and at times this leads to insufficient ambition.

Level-headed: MinJee is a level-heade girl. She tries to keep her compose and calm side whenever there´s problems and doesn´t panic in crisis. She can make good judgments and is always with logical ideas for her judgments. She is really good at making big decisions under really pressure. That´s one of the reasons that th leader of Crown likes her because even tought MinJee is one of the youngests, she can look like one of the oldests girls with her mind. When she has problems she doesn´t depend on anyone and tries to resolve them all alone.

When she´s dancing, she is so serious that when she is training she looks like a machine, never stopping practicing. She seems like she lives in JYP building. She is most of the times there, even if people tell her she can go home and rest. even if it is her day off, she will stay there practicing, looking like a machine that the only thing that knows to do is practice.


She may look like one of the most positive people of the world, but this girl has a serious problem with her self-esteem. She has really low self-esteem, always thinking that she´s horrible and she´s nothing special. Always trowing herself down, but she does her best to not show that to anyone. She will alays think that she isn´t good enough. She will look at someone else and then at her and she will think that her loks are qwful and that the other person has amazing looks and style. 

Every single night, she will look at her reflection in the mirror and will always be sad because she thinks that her body is horrible. She has such a low self -esteem, that because of that she already fainted lots of times becaus of stopping eating. She knows it´s wrong to do something like that, bu to her it looks like her only solution to her problem. Perhaps, will someone show her that what she thinks isn´t true?


 Even tought MinJee was born and raised in Korea, at the age of 5 she went with her parents to live in London, because of her parents jobs. 

Since young that she was born with to much weight, but at a young age it wasn´t something to worry about, but as she started to grow up, she did lots of diets and excercise but she still weighted more than she should. Because of that she was always being laugh at. Children of her age would call her fatsom ugly, monster, everything harsh, tunring her really emotional about everything. But with bad things, it also comes good things. She matured quickly than everyone else, making lots of parents jealous because their children weren´t as mature as her. Maybe it´s because of that that she prefers to be with older people than people of her age.

When she was 8, she started learning dance in an academy. No one knew the reason, but she started to lse lots of weight and she started to have a normal body. Somehow, she didn´t only started to lose weight, but she also found her passion: dancing. Becuse of her amazing quickly learning, she mastered english in 2 years and mastered dance in the total of 4 years.

Once again, at the age of 12 she had to go to Seoul, where she was born. She was really scared to go back. She knew that in korea, looks were everythng, and she wasn´t sure if she would fit in the korean society.What she didn´t notice as she grow up, was that every single girls started to become jealous of her body and boys would always starting drooling wherever she passed by, but she would always think that the boys were drooling to other girls, and the girls wouldn´t get close to her because of her body. She was and is always with a low self-esteem.

At that age, she debuted as a child actress, being quite popular around adults that were astonished by how good she was at acting and at such a young age. Wherever she went, people recognized her, mking her happy to know that somehow, she was liked by people.

When MinJee turned 14, she was already a really good dancer. She had mastered already lots of dancing styles (hiphop, ballet, breakdance, jazz), something that in other´s prespective was impossible in such a short period of time. But she did, and her parents always supported her. There was one day, that her class had to do a dance perfomance in the school for a festival. MinJee didn´t knew, but there were JYP managers looking at her and amazed by her skills. Lots of managers from lots of companies had already heard about this girl, known as B-Rose or what people call her, Queen of Thorns.A girl really fiercy and y at dancing but really hard to approach,because if you did(if you knew how she really was) you would be hurt by her thorns.

After her class finished the perfomance, JYP´s mangaer went right away to her and casted her. MinJee wasn´t sure about that, but because of her parents support she decided to givea shot, even tought whenever she was with the other trainees and artist, she would feel ashamed of her body.

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
♚ Likes
  • one: Cappucino
  • two: white chocolate
  • three: Nail Arts
  • four: Scary Movies
  • five: The night and Darkness
  • six: Strawberries
♚ Dislikes
  • one: Lies
  • two: Bullies
  • three: Dark chocolate
  • four: Fake people
  • five: Insects (it disgust her)
♚ Fears
  • one: Gaining weight
  • two: Storms
  • three: Being left alone
  • four: Being unable to dance
  • five: Losing her parents
♚ Hobbies
  • one: dancing
  • two: composing music
  • three: writing lyics
  • four: skateboarding
  • five: reading 
♚ Habits
  • one: bitting her bottom lip when she´s nervous
  • two: avoiding everyone when she´s nervous
  • three: walk at night time and watch the moon when she needs time of her own to think
  • four: when she is angry she will start glaring to everyone
  • five: Without noticing, she wistles in the "S"´s.
♚ Trivia
  • one: She is addicted to cappucino. Needs to drink it at least 3 times per day
  • two: she is a computer addicted. she needs to go at leastone hour per day, if not she will go wild.
  • three: She´s in charge of Crown´s acrobatic moves
  • four: While being a trainee at JYP, she was a moed at Wellmed Star M 
  • five: She made a promise toherself that she will never cuther hair short. She hates short hair cuts. Herhair is really long and has alight and bright brown colour.
  • six: Know how to breakdance.
  • seven: She likes to write lyrics
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
♚ Faceclaim
FACECLAIM NAME: Tia Hwang Cuevas
♚ Backup Faceclaim
what you hear, what you see
when I'm on that stage
singing twin: idol one | idol two
dancing twin: idol one | idol two
rapping twin: idol one | idol two
aegyo twin: idol one | idol two
talking twin: idol one | idol two
laughing twin: idol one | idol two
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
♚ the basics
LOVE RELATIONSHIP PERSONA: Something To Understand Yet.....
BACKUP: Yugyeom

BamBam is one of GOT7 members that is really outgoing and loves his fans. He treats them with respect and likes to interact a lot with them. He is also known as one of the best aegyo boys in the band. He is really funny and caring. He maybe one of the youngests but when he wants he can be really mature.His a social butterfly,always knowing everything and everyone. His really confident and cheerful. He thinks that his the cutest member in the group, and maybe it´s because of that that when he tries t act manly it doesn´t go along as his plan. He cares a lot about his friends, family and band mates. He is really loyal to them and won´t betray them.

Somehow, when he is on stage, he may look cute, but he has this kind of iness that spreads around making the fans totaly crazy about him.

When he is with the girls he loves, he tries to act as manly as he can. Likes to make her feel special, treats her really well. His really gentle and kind with her, but he can also be flirtous and ert if he wants.


Even tought, MinJee is only a couple of months older than Bambam, somehow, they would have a hoobae-dongsaeng relationship most of times, making BamBam call MinJee noona, which was really weird to her. She couldn´t see the reason for him to call her that, but she never said anything because she tought that she shouldn´t. BamBam would always call her that to catch her atention. Somehow he tought that she was the type of girl that was really hard to approach on lots of ways.

When they started to understand each other a little bit more, BamBam started to understand that what he felt for MinJee wasn´t simply friendship but love. He was afraid that MinJee would never take notice of him, since he was younger than her, as a potencial boyfriend. Because of that he would always try to act manly around her, but in the end he would always look funny and clumsy, being once again called a cutie by the rest of the Crown´s members.

When BamBam founds out about how MinJee thinks about herself, he tries to show her that what she thinks isn´t true. Maybe because of that, MinJee started o see BamBam with other eys, especialy when he started to flirt with her and when he stopped calling her nonna and started calling her by a nickname that only him calls her: MinMin

tumblr_myj2swqKjx1tnb6mgo1_500.jpgthank you

just a few last notes
COMMENTS: Hi there~ So...I hope you both like mmy character >.< By the way, english isn´t my first language, so there might be some mmistakes. Sorry about that >.<
SUGGESTIONS: Maybe Crown´s own reality show?
SCENE REQUEST: Hum...BamBam tries to act manly in front of MinJee but ends up looking like a clumsy cute kid. | MinJee sees BamBam topeless. | MinJee faints because of stop eating(Maybe I will add more later ^^)
 PASSWORD: Crown loves kingdoms
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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