Valentine's Day

WARNING: if you like Valentine's day don't read this 

Hey guys so today I talk about Valentine's day considering that is today's date where I'm living. And now I do believe in love and all that junk but to be honest I'm not that big on Valentine's day. I mean if your in a couple you have to worry about finding your special person the perfect present and if your single.....Well it's just depressing to watch all of those happy couples. Plus yes I'm all for the candy cause that's really the only thing I like about this holiday, even though I tell all of my friends that there is a 99.99% chance that they are not getting candy from me. Also I may just be being bitter cause I don't have a Valentine but honestly if your in love this holiday is great but if your not.....Well then we're in the same boat and this holiday basically has no point. And Is it just me or did anyone else spend this holiday listening to heavy metal??? Plus I hate the preparation for Valentine's day when all girls talk about is their boyfriends and how awesome their gift is going to be when I'm just like keep talking and punch your face in. I know I may seem bitter but c'mon give me a break I don't have a Valentine and its been snowing so much I'm starting to hate snow so I'm not in the best of moods. Agree or disagree with my opinion? Comment below and lots of love all of the annoying girls on Valentine's day

The Jaejoong has spoken. You must obey.



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Ankzara17 #1
Love shouldn't be a date or on just one day, because it's in everyone's heart for every it beats. I think everyday is a new way to explore love so I don't really mind or care about Valentine's Day. (OFF TOPIC: Same goes for Mother's and Father's Day!)