Got tagged !

This is how this works, (I'm probably not going to be faithful to these rules, but, hey, I answer the questions!)

rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them


Questions I answered:

1. Pink or black? 

Black? Dunno, I feel too old for pink. Unless it's like pale pink (is that even a color? o_O Sorry I'm color blind)

2. Puppies or kittens? 

Kittens. Not that I would say no to puppies (Who even says no to puppies?) but I love kittens a bit more.

3. Do you play fruit ninja?

You have no idea how much and with what dedication. 

4. Do you watch Cartoon Network? 

Not really, we don't have that here and I don't watch it in the Internet either. 

5. Are you left handed? (I am)

No. Actually, my left hand is as useful at doing stuff, as a stick.

6. Cookies n cream or strawberry? 

Strawberry. I think I'm breaking the rules of sweets here (you know the ones that say it's not a tasty treat if it doesn't have cream or chocolate) but I really love strawberries. 

7. What do you most frequently draw/write when you doodle?

Spirals. No idea why, but I draw spirals. More complicated drawing are out of the question of course. I barely manage to sort my words out, I cannot handle drawing.

8. Do you like Sehun's rainbow hair better or baekhyun's purple/magenta/crimson/whateverthatwasyougotwhatimean hair? 

Sehun's rainbow hair is my second favorite Sehun haircolor after the white/blond one with the black roots. And I don't really love red as a hair color. So Sehun's hair wins. 

9. An alphabet.

Hm? You mean you want me to give a letter from the alphabet? Or choose an alphabet? 

I'll do both, for good measure. A letter I like: Recently it's the letter Y. 

An alphabet I like: Well I don't know many, but since saying Greek would be too obvious, I'll say Japanese kanji. 

10. Most evil dream/scheme/plan you ever had. (Copied from deer because I wanna know what you'd answer)

Evil dream? Ohohoho, that's a hard one. Actually, I don't play the bad character in my dreams a lot. I have dark dreams, but I'm never the bad person in them. 

Now about evil schemes, some times I imagine having mind-controlling superpowers and making people my puppets, or making them obey me by blackmailing them. But I just basically want to boss people around. I want minions, that's my evil scheme. 

11. Which hair style do you like the most on your bias?

Well, the first problem here is that I have too many biases. I'll chose one, then. 

Kyungsoo. It's not a hairstyle we've seen on him, but I want Kyungsoo with hair that is not dark. He could go blonde, any shade of it really, I just want to see him in not-brown hair. 



Okay, the questions I ask:

1. In Exo, whose character do you like the best? 

2. What's your favorite cuisine (like, chinese, italian, indian... etc)? Why?

3. If you could get a tattoo (younger ones, I'm not telling you to get a tattoo) what would it be?

4. What is your favorite mythical creature?

5. Money or fame? 

6. In fics, do you prefer canon-world stories or AUs (Alternative Universe)? Why?

7. One sound that you find annoying?

8. (Personal question) Are you the kind of person that could fall for someone after they confessed to you? 

9. What's the object you can't live without?

10. Which is your favourite korean ballad?

11. If you could change your first name, what would you like to be called? 


Tagged: awethomest , justwastingtime , theentrancestone , Deppy_CN




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Kyungsoo's hair...i feek you...
woa that was fast.
yup pale pink is a color. and i ment just a random letter oops. i was out of questions lol.
ok so who do you think looks best in blond? (aside from sehun)