☷ Run & Gun Residence — Kwon MinJee 。



Kwon MinJee

☷ BlackRose001  
☷ Andreia 

☷ 8.5-10  








NAME  Kwon MinJee

  • MJ- Almost everyone calls her that. It´s an abreviation of her name

BIRTHDAY + AGE  03/20/94 + 20
HOMETOWN  South Korea- Seoul

  • Korean and Englsh- Native
  • Japanese and Mandarim- Fluent



APPEARANCE — She has long bright brown hair, bright brown eyes, that at the sun look green.  Has an amazing S-line nd defined abs(like Hyoyeon). Has 2 tattoos:  1|2 Always using acessories. She´s 168cm tall and weights 50kg. Has a pretty S-line and touned legs. She´s crazy about nails.

STYLE  MinJee is a real fashionista! She loves fashion and she always knows the new trends! She usualy wears the badass, y and hip-hoper style, even thougth she hasn´t that kind of personality. She feels comfortable when she is in that clothes. She loves to use acessories and hates to use skirts. She likes to mix the styles she likes to make something new and fresh. Something unique that no one else has, making everyone want her clothes or at least have her mind to think like her.

Casua/Universityl:1 | 2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10 |11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|2021 





Nails: 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10



BREAKDOWN  Loyal, Crazy, Stuborn, Kind, ert, Funny

PERSONALITY — MinJee is a really funny, kind, loyal, shy, mysterious, stubborn, ert, crazy girl! Funny: She does the funniest things that you have ever saw. There are time that her jokes aren´t funny but everyone starts laughing at them. The secret? It´s Min Jee´s laugh. It´s so funny that if she laughs you will laugh too. 

ert: Yes, she is really ert! Whatever you say to her she will take it to the ert side and start smirking. She will even try to corrupt the mind of innocent people.

Stubborn: She is really stubborn! She hates when people tell her to do something that she hates, but if she ends up doing it, you bet she will take revenge.

Caring: She cares a lot to the people she loves. She doesn´t mind to give her life to protect them. She hates seeing people sad so she will even do the most embarrasing thing in the world just to make them happy.

Crazy: Crazy is her middle name babes!! If you think something is impossible to do, she will do it. Dangerous things? She loves it and will do. She loves adventures, especialy the dangerous ones.

Loyal: She is the type of girl that will never betray you or talk about you behind your back. She is really loyal to her friends and family, always defending them until the end.

Shy: When she is around new people she will be a little shy, especialy with boys. Most of the time will stay quiet, and will only speak when they ask stuff.

Mysterious: She is really mysterious when it comes to her things. She rarely says things about her likes, dislikes, hobbies, fears, and life. It´s a complete mistery to almost everyone. She´s more the type of listening than speaking.


She may look like one of the most positive people of the world, but this girl has a serious problem with her self-esteem. She has really low self-esteem, always thinking that she´s horrible and she´s nothing special. Always trowing herself down, but she does her best to not show that to anyone. She is really insecure about every single thing she does,making herself think that she is worthless.



BACKGROUND  Min Jee was born in London from an english mother and a korean father. She was born with a little too much of weigth. At first it wasn´t a problem, but as years passed by, she continued to have too much weight. Children from her age would always bully her, making her feel ugly and a monster. She was so depressed. Since young that she lived pure hell around children of her age, maybe that´s the reason that she prefers to talk and be with elders than people from her age. Maybe you are thinking why she didn´t do anything to lose weight, but she did. She started doing lots of excercise and always eated helathy food, but it didn´t work.
At the age of 10, she entered in a dance school. No one knows the reason, maybe it was because of dancing, mabe it was because she started growing up more, maybe it was both, she started to lose weight. She didn´t only los weight, she also turned herself into a great dancer.
At the age of 14, because of her dad job, they needed to go to south korea- seoul. MinJee wouldn´t lie: she was really nervous. She knew that in Korea, people was all about physical appearence that they would even make plastics at young ages. What she didn´t know whas that would happen, was that couldn´t stop looking at her. She tought that they looked a her because of horrible body, but in reality everyone looked at her because she had a beautiful an y body, making girls envious off her and the boys would always drool at her.
Even thougth that happened she never once stoped thinking that her body was horrible, making herself always have a low self-esteem.

MinJee knew that she had a passion for music and dance and it was her objective to go to university and major at Moder Music




FAMILY  Kwon Sang Woo (father) ⇝ 46 ⇝ A famous Composer ⇝ Alive ⇝ Kind, funny, gentle, clumsy
Sara Kwon (Mother) ⇝ 46 ⇝ A worldwide famous stylist ⇝ Alive ⇝ Funny, emotional, creative, warm-hearted, kind

OTHER CHARACTERS  Hyuna  20 A university student, majoring moder music Alive Funny, kind, smart, curious, girlslish, y, optimisc

ACADEMICS —She has really good grades at language classes (english, korean, mandarim and Japanese - she gets A´s) as well as music and dance classes. When it comes to maths she is really awful at it. She majors for modern music. She´s in the dance club. She gets along with teachers very well, but is really shy around the students of her age. She deosn´t know how to act around them. She is a good student. Compared to Baekhyun that is known for all the campus, MinJee is a normal girl that only people that have same classes with her know her.

⇝ Likes:

Coconut Ice Cream

Lemon Ice Cream

White Chocolat


The Night, Darkness and Moon

Scary Movies


Black Roses





Nail Arts



Fake people



Being without Internert in her devices


Dark Chocolate



Insects (it disgust her)




Writing lyrics

Listen to Music


Playing basketball

Being on the computer



When she´s sad she will avoid people and will want to be alone

When she´s nervous she bites her bottom lip

When she´s angry she glares to everyone

When she´s bored she will start writing lyrics like a crazy machine and they are always really good


She´s a computer addicted. If she doesn´t go everyday to the computer she will turn into a dangerous girl.

She needs to drink at least 3 times per day her capuccino, if not, she wont be in a good mood.

She loves to drink water with lemon- lemonade

She knows some martial arts.

She has lots of style.

Doesn´t let anyone do her nails. She always does them. But she lets Key  help her.

Doesn´t know how to cook. Her cooking is really awfull.

Her favourite colors are black, blue and purple.

She hates to cut her hair short.

Has to wear acessories every single day.

She has a big colection of acessoties, shoes and caps.

When she´s on the sun her eyes turn green but in reality she has light brown eyes.

She knows how to breakdancer.

She has great facility to learn new languages.




LOVE INTEREST  Byun Baekhyun

PERSONALITY  Baekhyun is the social butterfly of the roup. He knows everything, he knows everyone. He is really funny and loves to prank people together with Chanyeol and Chen. He has this "Dive" feeling, that no one can control, but is also one of his charms. Baekhyun can be really stubborn and protective but it´s is way to show that he is also a man. 
 When he is close to someone- like Exo- he is really over-protective. Is a loyal friend that will never betray you. It´s to them that he shows his funny, dorky, stubborn and friendly side. Is really clingy and if he his with the girl he likes, he will be really flirtous with her and do lots of skinship. He can also be really soft with the girl he really loves.

RELATIONSHIP  How they ineract: MinJee at first was really shy to be around him, and has time passed, Baekhyun started to be really flirtuous with her and do lots of skinship with MinJee making her blush lots of times. MinJee tries to be as comfortable she can be around him, trying to be funny and to help him whenever he needs to talk with someone. 

MinJee wont lie. Most of the time that she is with him she feels really insecure about herself. She thinks that Baekhyun is really amazing in everything he does and that his really handsome, making her feel like she never be as good as he is.
Baekhyun is really curious about MinJee, he can see that she´s really insecure about everything she does, and that´s one of the main reasons that he is so curious and atracted to her. He thinks that she´s really mysterious about her stuff, making him sometimes frustrated because he wants to know more about her but it´s like she has a wall that makes really difficult to aproach her.

Because of lots of boys and girls want Baekhyun so much in their beds ASAP, MinJee tries to protect him. She knows that she should help him, afterall, she thinks that she isn´t good in nothing and maybe, protecting Baekhyun is a way to let herself feel better for not being as good as eveyone else.

How They Meet: MinJee was like every single night taking a walk, when she decided to go and buy some ramen to eat. When she was about to get out ogf the store, she saw a poster about  renting a flat´s room. While she was looking at it, someone spoked to her " Are you interested?" MinJee was startled but she tried to compose herself. When she turned around, she saw Byun Baekhyun. A boy from her university, that was known in all the camous, together with Exo. Baekhyun started to talk with her about the flat, and when he knew that both of them were from the same university, her that tomorrow they would speak once again.

On the next day, during lunch break, Baekyun went to her and talked about the flats. He was so persistent, that in the end MinJee went with him to sign the papers to be in the flat. what she didn´t kow was that she was going to be in the same flat as Baekhyun...



"WHAT'S YOUR REASON FOR RENTING?"  Because mister Byun Baekhyun almost kidnapped me to rent the room from his flat.
"AFTER MOVING IN, HOW DID YOU FEEL?" Well, Baekhyun and eveyone else were funny and it was easie to talk with them. I won´t lie. Baekhyun made me blush alsmot every single day, no, scrap that, he makes me blush every single hour of the day and makes me laugh every single day. He is soamazing in so many ways, that I cannot stop thinking of how 
"BESIDES YOUR ROOM MATE, WHO'S CLOSEST TO YOU?"  D.O - I feel confortable to talk to someone as mature as him. We started to get along, when Baekhyun got in trouble with D.O and I tried to save Baekhyun from his early death XD.
"WHO DO YOU HATE NOT GET ALONG WITH?"  Hum... maybe Luhan, because he seems to always think thaat I have second intentions with Baekhyun. Because of that, I try to not be together with him all alone and will try to avoid him.
"WHAT'S YOUR ROLE IN THE HOUSE?"  Laundry, trying to protect Baekhyun from his "fans" and cleaning the flat.


t go inside the girls stores.
COMMENTS/FEEDBACKS  Finaly I finished the app!! I have been trying to finish it since 3 weeks ago! I don´t know if it is good, but whatever you think it isn´t right, please, tell me to fix it ^^ By the way, english isn´t my first language, so there might be some mistakes. Sorry >.<

  • MinJee trying to learn how to cook because of Baekhyun insisting that she needs to learn.
  • MinJee passing out because of not eating and not stop practicing.
  • Baekhyun take MinJee shopping, but when they are there, she tries to distract him to not go inside the girl´s stores.
  • MinJee is sick and D.O takes care of her, making Baekhyun jealous.
  • Ever since she fainted, Baekhyun started to be like her bodyguard and make sure that she eats and sleeps and rests.





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