thanks [ ooc ]

Hello. I know not many of you have really talked to me personally, and just know me by D.O, who I roleplay as, and that's okay. I just wanted to post a blog for all of you. I'm not great with words, but being here at this little roleplay impacted me greatly. Now, what you're about to read will be a little alarming, but please bear with it for the moment. I promise you that after this you won't hear anything like this from me unless you ask. 

Anyways, what I'm trying to say that this roleplay, this small family, literally saved my life. I'm not lying. It hurts to think that I almost went into that etneral darkness one day. I almost left the world. I'm not sure if you'll understand what I mean, but I just don't want to say the real word. It scares me. . .Ironic isn't it? I'm scared of the word, but I wasn't too scared to try the action. . . 

On to the point. . .This roleplay gave a little hope to stay. Do you know why? It's because someone here cared about me. Someone worries about me here. I've never been worried about, or asked about how I felt. Everyone just assumed that I was okay since I never complained, but here at Pinky Promise. . .I have you guys to just talk to even for just a minute. I like feeling like I'm wanted even if I'm just roleplaying. It makes me feel imporatnt for a millisecond. 

SO I want to thank each and every one of you in this roleplay that made me felt welcome. Even if you didn't talk to me, I still want to thank you for just making this roleplay even more amazing that it already is. 

Juat to clarify, I am still in this darkful state. I still have those thoughts of leaving the world. I still have items that'll help me make that action come faster. I still have no real support outside of the internet. . .but I'm getting there. I really am. I'm seeking help, and I'm not sure if that'll help but it's worth a shot, right? It wouldn't hurt to stay alive for a while more and see where life takes me, right? 

I think I'll be okay for now. . .I won't let the darkness take me just yet. I still need to bathe in the sunlight for a little while longer. 

- D.O ( HaNa ) 


(( If anyone of you have any sort of questions regarding about my situation or are just simply curios, I'd be glad to tell you through PM. I won't mind. I like when people ask questions about me because it makes me think that they're interested in me as person even if it's just once. ))


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wow this kinda make my day, like, you make us feel special. stay alive and try to see how people actually care about you, maybe?
i'll reply to your pm soon - but just popping in to comment that i've read this. i'm still proud of you for standing strong.
we're a pretty small family here now, but i think we make for a pretty decent sanctuary. i'll be around for as long as you need ... keep going little fighter, some day things will be brighter. ^ ^