The Good, The Bad, The Weird

I know I'm late, but I just got around to watching that movie.

I LOVED it! Action, suspense, hilariousness, and an ending I didn't hate!

I think it's especially amusing to me because I love the old spaghetti westerns starring Clint Eastwood--especially The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.

Koreans made a western and it rocked. Lol

I finished the kdrama Basketball. The ending was: what the what what?

Did enjoy seeing all the various rolls they gave that one actor. Lol. Hilarious.


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I don't like westerns, but I love that movie!
i tried watching that movie because it had my favorite actors ... but it seems i'm not really a fan of westerns coz i didn't finish the movie :p

i'm glad to know you liked it though :D