Sochi 2014 Opening Ceremony

Even with all the controversies surrounding Russia at the moment, they did a magnificent job on the opening ceremony for the games. I loved the ballet sections and the bit with the constellations, that was amazing +_____+ I'm also convinced that the IOC president did some digs at all the stupid laws the government's been passing, since he spent a while drilling home the fact that the IOC "doesn't discriminate against any athletes for whatever reason" and that they're about diversity and individuality within their athletes. You go, dude. But I can't wait to see how all my US babies fair in the games. SHANI ENDED UP GOING WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FROZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE. Shaun White did pull out of slopestyle, but no biggie, he can focus on halfpipe. AND THEN MAH SPEEDSKATING BEHBEHS. JORDAN. JR. KYLE. CRIES OVER YOU LOT. I know they're gonna do good, so excited for them! I wish Yoon Gy was competing...but his protege is there, what's his face...Da Woon? I think? And it that Lindsey had to pull out at the last minute, but that's still cool, as long as she's healing up, that's what matters.



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IT WAS GREAT!! I saw it last night and had to sleep so early in the morning hahahaha.
Maybe I should download the opening ceremony to see how it was, cuz I missed it as well.
I do have to say, China's opening in 2008 was by far the most intricate and beautifully constructed opening ceremony I'd ever seen, but that was for a Summer Olympics. I wanna see which one I like the best for a winter Olympics.
I missed the opening! How they will have it in youtube..