The Korean Invasion Day 2

Unfortunately, not much news or interaction with the Koreans today. They all went on a field trip with some of the Leadership kids who had the chance to go. There was no way I was going to miss 3 of my 4 APS for a field trip to Universal (I can go there anytime during the summer). School is wayyy more important than visiting Koreans.. or anyone, for that matter. It even rained today, so I felt so bad for the Koreans if they got caught out there in the rain. So glad that I didn't go. Either way, I had to teach my friend some Korean history and culture because she was a little clueless as to why we never go to visit them in Korea. I know it's soo different, but I know for a fact I would not be able to handle the school system there in Korea without wanting to jump out a window due to boredom. I salute the visitors and all the other Korean students for their dedication, though. They will do well, just as I hope everyone reading this does. Anywhow, we will have lunch and a goodbye party for them all tomorrow. I will keep you all posted. However, for now, I bid you all good bye and have a happy tomorrow ^^


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