65 Hours and Perfect Man

If you guys are asking about what happened to 65 Hours and Perfect Man, please spare some time to read this.

So someone had told me about these two stories getting deleted because apparently, someone had reported it as plagiarism. And to be honest, I am very much saddened and a bit angered about what had happened.

Let me define what plagiarism is..

Plagiarism is the act of taking another person's writing, conversation, song, or even idea and passing it off as your own...


Here are screenshots of the foreword of Perfect Man... (because for some reason I could still see them in my authored stories)

and of 65 Hours.... 

This is also the copy of the poster of 65 Hours. 


Let me ask you guys, are all these credits not enough that they were still considered by someone as plagiarism? It had hurt me that someone would be cruel enough to do this to be honest. All I wanted was to share these wonderful stories to fellow KyuMin shippers and... this is what I get.

I am not going to give long explanation because I am pretty much sure that I did not plagiarize anything. It was clearly stated in my forewords that the stories are not mine and that I credited the original authors and owners of said stories, but if you didn't even spare a second to read my disclaimers then perhaps you don't know about this.

As for those who are asking whether I'll post them again on other websites... I am not going to do so because I'm afraid this would once again occur. I'm still thinking about giving copies of the Kyumin version to those who haven't finished reading them yet (or those who haven't even started reading). I'll consult my friends about it first, and once I come up with my decision i'll tell you guys on twitter.

I hope you all understand what I feel. But if still, some people still see me as in the wrong, then I guess I will just apologize. 

I'm also sorry if I couldn't post and you were not able to read the outtake of 65 Hours...

That is all, I guess. Thank you for reading :)


- Joan (naojotreup)


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kyussi #1
I wish you could repost them. I dont think i ever finish perfect man. Anyway, looking forward to more stories of yours :)
XiumInYourFace #2
Ahhhh, I'm so upset :'-( I had it tagged as "love" in my subscriptions, and I really wanted to read it again....I got a shock when I saw that it was removed.....some people are so dumb...I mean, what the hell?? You did nothing wrong!
I just hope you know that I really enjoyed reading the story, and I probably never would have read it, if it wasn't for your rendition of it!
Thank you very much!
Whaaaatttt, gaaahhhh I not seen ur blog so I didint know that ur fics being report.
I haven't read finish huhuhu 65hours,
damn those who report this fic.
not only the author suffer but the reader too.
This is just plain sad. Another great stories were deleted because of plagiarism. But I really can't blame you. Thank you for giving us wonderful stories! It was always my pleasure to read yours:) And if it wouldn't be too much, can you give me a copy of 65 Hours and The Perfect Man? Thank you so much!
Camilonchis #5
I don't like this being deleted I really enjoy them, the sign was clear andeverythin ;; if you still have the adaptation, could you send it to me? Please ;;;;;;
I hadn't realized your stories got deleted! I was going back to reread them and then I saw they were deleted. I never got to finish Perfect Man. This is completely unfair because I clearly remember seeing these warnings of the stories not being yours on the foreword of the fics. I don't understand why they were taken down.
I wish I could have a copy, jebal ): I really wanna read this (ㅠ_ㅠ)
_bhby_ #8
Too bad for us that some person didn't read full foreword. It would be good to have an opportunity to read your adaptation again.
Galathea #9
OMG!! An outtake?? But getting back to the problem there just some people who does selective reading, you were very clear that it was an adaptation!! Ohhh I'm so sorry that this happen! I love 65 hours and you did an a outtake? Ahhhh can you post it for like one day only or I don't know something.... Ohh I'm sad.....
that was cruel! those people maybe didn't see your foreword before.. but they can't judge it like that too! i feel so sorry for you author-nim.. it's your hardwork and now it's gone.. i feel so shocked when open it and they say the page can't be found. it such a great story and i can't read the final part.. so sad T.T
How can this be happening? This is just terrible, cruel! I'm sorry this had to happen to you... I'm even more sorry to those that didn't finish 65 Hours considering that I had recommended it to a few people. Anyway, I don't blame your hesitance for posting it a second time. It's too troublesome. I wish you nothing but the best. Hopefully that person gets what they deserve by something similar... </3
OMG! how could anyone do that?!
these people just don't have a life do they?!
i'm really sorry it happened to u..and i really loved "perfect man" too!!
i was just about to start reading 65 hours then i saw this TT____TT
allcloud #13
This is really bad, getting this already awesome fanfic deleted. I mean, I was only in the beginning of it and it got vanished.
I really red the foreword and I saw you saying this isn't your story, but the person who did this obviously didn't read the whole thing, and now see where we are...
Well, I hope you decide to give us the copy of it, because I really want to finish it, it was so good~
Thank you for explaining what happened and for turning them to KyuMin :)
awwww it makes me sad because I was gonna read then suddenly ...

=(( it's okay .. when I read the foreword I already saw that the story
was from other author but awwww :'( I really wanna read this story :'<
aish ):