Character apply .

IDname:: Infinitestarlight

Your Nickname:: Sky


Character Name:: Choi Jinyoung

Gender:: Male

Nicknames:: Jin , youngie . 

Date of Birth:: September 11 1996

Character You’re Applying For:: Brain 

Song/Picture/Quote that suits your character::  can a gif count ?

Background:: [make sure it fits with the character you’re applying for. You can have a dramatic past~ its all good ^^]

The Brain , the thing that humans depend on , just like what Jinyoung does to people they start to depend and when they do he just watches them from afar seeing them run around in a emotional state that amuses him . He wasnt always like this , his true self , he was a kind and loving young boy who belonged to a caring family but once he witness the true face of human kind all hope he ever had died within secounds of watching his parents being shot . Left tramatized by the incident he alongside his younger brother was then bought up by his uncle who was the CEO of a mjor company meaning he could get the best eduacation and be privilged of all kind . But soon after he learnt the true meaning behind the world and in order to survive you had to be manipulative and clever , he learnt this by when he found out who the killer was , his own loving uncle who treated him so well so he did the thing that a manipulative person would do , make them feel guilty , make them suffer in pain emotional of what they did and without having to lay a finger on them but simply move the pieces just like in a chest board , accuratly and need of intelligence of changing there direction . So that was what he become , someone who acted kind towards others with a smile plastered onto their face but inside lay a devious male who played until victory was theres .

Personality:: Jinyoung can be very caring and kind , look after people and have the best of grades with out trying and yet succed . He may have the kindest of hearts but deep down was someone who was devious and cunning who manipulste people until vicotry was won . He has an habit of profiling peope seeing who his next target is and when he does he plays and plays till he has won .
Likes:: Having the feeling of success and food especially desserts .

Dislikes:: Failing , not having the victory when playing with people and his uncle .

Habits:: Playing with his hands when annoyed , stressed or angry , he often bites his lips as well in fustration .

Hobies:: PLaying chess and video games including some sports like basketball but nothing else .

Trivia:: Uses scarcasum when annoyed and doesn't really like loud mouth people .

Specialties:: Programming compretures and hacking things of anything . Able to solve things alomst instaneously and is able to profile someone very quickly by obseving them .


Face claim:: [you can use anyone. Idols, actors etc] Jinyoung from B1A4

Name: Jung Jinyoung

Pictures [+3]


Family:: Uncle , Auntie and younger brother including deceased mother and father .

Position/Name/Age/How you get along : Uncle / Choi Minwoo / 45 / Get along well unknow to Jinyoung hatred .

Auntie / Choi Hyorin / 43 / Get along well , doesn;t really interfere with his life 

Younger Brother / Choi Woobin / 14 / Get along very well and is often looked over well by his older brother (Jinyoung)


Friends:: Lee Minki 

Name/Age/How you met/How you get along 

Lee Minki / 17 / Met in childhood by parents / Get along very well and helped Jinyoung when his parents died .



You as a student:: A genuis in class and is the prized student .

What makes people suspect that you're Kira?:: Too clever for other peoples liking anf often very mytersious around people , isn't on the anti-social side neither on the social kind inbetween the two making him almost just neutral . Also has a cunnign like personailty towards some people .

Your persona at school:: The brains of the school , everyone knows him as someone who is glorified by teachers and is often hated by them because of the all perfect school life he has . But many people look past it because of his kind face .


Scene Requests:: A scene where his intelligence is needed or somewhat . ( I'm not really sure since this is my first apply fic so if you can choose a scene)


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