So there's this kpop concert in my country (the Philippines) featuring BAP BlockB Ajax BtoB Aprince and Suju-M and I didn't have enough money to go for patronn seats or VIP standing. So I went for silver which is the next seat after General Admissions (which was as far away as pluto...seriously you'd see them like ants) and then they had this raffle for Press Conferences. So I tried. You know, it might work this time.

I've tried so many Press Conference tickets before but never won once. And then this happened. Such a blessing!!!! Q_Q

When I heard it from my friend I couldn't believe it at first. But the truth was I was imploding on the inside 

and then my friends tagged me on facebook with the offcial statement and when I saw my name I was like

then I became hysterical like serious "almost" palpitation and asdfghjkl-ness making my brother be like

and I keep on spazzing in front of his face while he was watching another stupid series or whatever and I was all over his space like

So he was like

So I just kept sobbing to myself until I passed out omfg





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